Chapter 50 - Innocence.

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It was warmer in the forest the trees packed in the heat, we finally stopped walking and sat on a log once we had got comfortable we both pulled out cigarettes and I began to actually smoke this one. I also got out my key and played with the small rubix cube key chain which was attached, this showed the weren't in fact my keys but Ben's. I was nervous but I just wanted to know what happened I love Ben and I want to be friends with Will but how can I if they hate each other?

"It started like 2 years ago we were the best of friends you see, I wasn't friends with him like he's friends with Jonatan he would do anything for Jon but we where close" I nodded but he didn't look up he continued "We did everything together we even fucking went swimming" he said and laughed i giggled along, I couldn't imagine Ben ever being an active person he carried on "We went to a party at his parents house which we did we went to parties it wasn't any different but I had noticed these cuts on his arms and I wanted to ask him about them" he paused to sigh but I was still so intrigued "Well I'm stupid and I waited until we had drunk a little too much and I asked him, he started to cry so we wen't to the bathroom" he shook his head a took a few drags of his cigarette "We where kids I was sensitive I guess, I didn't know how to handle shit. We talked a little and he cried and we hugged which sure was something we often did but then he kissed me, I think it was the alcohol but I walked away and its been probably a year now since we spoke" "Shit" I said "Yeah I was a horrible friend" I shook my head "No you panicked" I tried to calm him down I could tell he was getting worked up "I never spoke to him again" he shouted "chill" I said "I doubt he hates you"I said "He does" Will said quickly and I shook my head "You should probably just talk to him" I said "You want to go out tonight?" He said not as angry anymore "Where?" I questioned "For a drink?" "And get up at 6am tomorrow?" he laughed and nodded "You can tell Jon and Ben and whoever that they can come" I rolled my eyes and said "I'll mention it" 

We slowly walked back talking about nothing interesting, once we got back to the school  we parted ways and agreed to meet up later. I walked back to the room it was only around 11am by the time I got back to the room Ben and Jonatan where gathered around Bens computer, I walked in and grabbed my phone I checked the texts and saw one off the school nurse 

-I can change the appointment to today? Text me when you're free.

I replied saying I could at any time and she agreed that I should head to the nurse office. I started to walk back out of the door this time phone in hand but before I left I said "Oh do you two want to come out tonight?" "Where?" Ben questioned "Not sure probably some field and get drunk" "Will wont want us there?" He said turning away from me "Sure he will he invited you" I said and left. 

I went to see the nurse, we discussed starting the pill and I left with my new medication. My phone vibrated 

-It's Will. If Ben comes out tonight i'll try and talk to him

I walked back to the room, I walked straight in and to my bed, I emptied my pockets and put the contents onto the desk "You coming later?" I said to neither Jonatan or Benjamin specifically "You sure he doesn't care?" Ben said and I shook my head "No he doesn't care" I replied to the text

They're coming 

"I'll ask Sherm and Micke" Jonatan said, the room fell silent until Ben said "Shit i'll go get the laundry" and he left "You sure everything will be ok?" Jonatan questioned he sounded nervous "Why wouldn't it be?" I questioned and Jonatan shrugged. The room fell silent I watched as Jonatan was on his phone without looking up he said "Sorry I'm a dick" I didn't say anything "I didn't mean it" I stayed silent "Just say something" he begged "You're giving me a headache" I said to which he laughed "I got you this" he said and threw a shirt at me, the shirt was bright yellow and said something on in a different language "What does it say?" I questioned "Innocence" he replied simply I didn't question why but I unfolded the shirt and saw it was more of a dress due to the super large size, it seemed a theme with Jonatan wearing oversize clothes. 

The room was quiet for a while Ben hadn't returned yet and something worried me about that. "What happened between Ben and Will?"I once again questioned looking for Jonatans side of the story "Nothing that important" he said quietly "Clearly it is"  I argued "You shouldn't be asking Ben shit like that he doesn't want to talk about it" Jonatan said bluntly I rolled my eyes, I lay back on my bed and waited for Benjamin to come back...

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