Chapter 34- Shit.

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The kiss wasn't the same as the small pecks we endured before, this time Benjamin had put one of his hands on my face. He pulled away when there was a loud whistle and laughing, I looked over and saw Gus laughing "You're mad" he said to me and I laughed "fuck off" I said, I could see Jonatan with his head down he didn't look up but followed Sav when she went out into the garden. I saw Benjamin signal for his brother to leave the room and he did so "Don't say anything, I know you didn't mean anything by that kiss and I know you like Jonatan" he said I looked at him confused "I kissed back because...fuck nobody kisses me" he said and I smiled he continued "I love Jon too he's my best friend but he's hard work" I looked at him confused as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug. 

We where soon interrupted by Micke and Sherman as they walked in with their arms around each other "what is going on with you two?" I said as they giggled with each other "I think they're in love" Benjamin said and laughed I laughed along with him and said "Sherm you feelin better now? we can talk if you want" he shook his head "I wasn't ready for that shit anyway" he said smiling "I'm happy now" he said looking over to Micke who was still smiling, they left to the garden and I watched as Jonatan and Sav smiled at whatever they where saying. 

It wasn't long till Benjamin said "what was that about?" I shrugged and said "I lost the baby" "shit" Benjamin said, he looked shocked and I smirked and said "don't worry I don't really care it was only a clump of cells, didn't have no feelings or anything" I looked away as tears started to roll down my face Benjamin put his arm round me and moved his face closer to mine "You need to get Jon before your friend does." I laughed a little even though I knew he was being serious. 

Both Benjamin and I moved outside to join everyone else, I sat next to Sav and she put her arm around me, we where both sat on the floor together "What was that about?" she asked and I shrugged "what do you mean?" I said quietly "You need to stop fucking your friends before they all hate you" She smiled as she said it but I guess it was true.

We continued sitting outside for a few hours till I decided to say "Lets go get your face looked at" I stood up and started to walk into the house closely followed by Sherman and Jonatan "I'll come too" Jonatan said, we where soon climbing into a taxi everyone else stayed at Sherman's house. We got to the hospital which was now quite empty and sat on the plastic chairs I was now familiar with, I didn't speak to either Sherman or Jonatan I just let them talk away.

Once Sherman was took into the doctors room I felt as though I had to speak to Jonatan, "How was your night then?" I said, he moved forward in his seat and rested his elbow onto his knees and let his head fall into his hands "fine" he said and I nodded "Ok". We stayed silent for a little while till he said "How's your hand?" "It'll be ok" "Good" "How was Sav?" he stayed silent "did you fuck?" still no answer but I knew what the silence meant "great" I said sternly.

I didn't speak to him for quite a while I almost thought he had fallen asleep but after around half an hour he said "so what if we did?" I didn't speak but he continued "You fucked my friends and you're having a baby with one of them who even knows if it's Shermans? Looks like it could be Bens with how you two where today" "fuck you" I said quietly. 

We fell into a now familiar silence I felt as though I needed to say something but I couldn't think of anything to say that wouldn't start an argument so instead I mumbled "How long is he going to take?" It wasn't a question to be answered just something I was saying to myself but of course Jonatan piped up by saying "A long time seen as someone fucked his face up" I rolled my eyes "You need to grow the fuck up Jonatan, what is your problem?" "Maybe something to do with you fucking Ben and Sherm and having a baby! What you planning on telling your kid when it's older I fucked everyone so your father can be anyone?"  and at that moment I looked up and saw Sherman walking over with cotton patches and butterfly bandages dotted around his face, I stood up and walked out. 

They followed closely behind, they didn't speak but once we got into a taxi Sherman said "What's wrong with you?" "Jonatan thinks I fucked Benjamin and I will be a terrible parent" I said bluntly "Oh" Sherman said "Did you fuck Ben?" "No" I said quickly "I think you'll be a great mother and whoever you have  child with, they will be lucky to be having a baby with you" Sherman said and I smiled to which Jonatan said "So you're saying you're lucky?" quickly Sherman said "No" it was as though he didn't want to talk or be reminded of what happened, Jonatan looked over to me confused and quietly I said "I lost the baby". I looked up to Jonatan and his eyes has almost glossed over, his face looked dead and his eyes remained wide all he said was "shit"...

Author's Notes:

So obviously eventually this fic will come to an end and i've been wondering what you all want me to write next. I'm open to any ideas!

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