Chapter 39- You'll freeze

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I woke up to find myself cuddled under a blanket on the couch with Benjamin, the room was softly lit by the 6am sun. My throat was dry and I slipped from under the blanket and walked towards the kitchen, I open the fridge and got a bottle of water out, I sat on a stool that was around a counter in the kitchen. I sat peacefully in the kitchen and watched the pool outside. Clothes where still scattered around the pool as well as towels, I stepped off the stool and let my bare feet touch the cold tile floor, I quietly walked upstairs and headed to the bathroom. I entered the bathroom and closed the door, the door had no lock but I didn't mind, i quickly went to the toilet and washed my hands, I splashed the water on my face and used some mouthwash left on a shelf in the bathroom. 

I walked over to the full length mirror and took off my shirt and turned to show my back to the mirror, I looked over my shoulder and looked at the cuts that striped across my back from the concrete, blood was dried over my back and I couldn't reach to scrub it off. The handle of the door turned and Jonatan walked in "Shit sorry" he said and started to back away "Its ok" I quickly said and I rushed to put my shirt over my head. 

I left the bathroom quickly and headed back downstairs and out the back door, the cool air hit my face as I walked over to the pool, I sat at the edge and let my feet hang into the water. The house seemed silent like nobody had woke, I heard the back door slide closed and Jonatan was dressed only in his underwear and his jacket "You'll freeze" I said as he dropped down at the side of me "You and me both" he said and I smiled to myself. There was a comfortable silence for a little while until I said "What did you mean?" Jonatan looked at me pulling a confused face but I could see it was fake "What do you mean?" he said, I rolled my eyes "It doesn't matter". There was an uncomfortable silence between us, I didn't know what to say but luckily Jonatan spoke first "You sure nothing is going on between you and Ben?" I shook my head "Not that I know of" I said and smiled a little "Good" was all Jonatan said, he then stood up and walked back inside. 

Something was weird about Jonatan, I didn't know what but I was on a mission to find out. I walked inside and saw Jonatan drinking coffee in the kitchen "I got cold" he said and I nodded, I needed to start a conversation to keep him talking so I simply said "What's going on between Sherman and Micke?" he shrugged and took a sip of his coffee "Not sure, they're happy" I rolled my eyes it seemed impossible to keep a conversation with him "What do you mean anyway? Are you trying to say they're gay?" Jonatan said bluntly, I shrugged because I kinda was suggesting that but how would I know. I worried about the room becoming silent again so I said "what's wrong with you?" He stood up and looked directly at me his face showed no emotion and he simply just said "You", he walked out of the kitchen and left me stood in silence. 

My heart sunk, tomorrow Sav will be gone Miriam went home and so did Gus, it will just be me, Jonatan and Benjamin at the school, I will be able to talk to Jon without any distractions...hopefully...

Author's Notes:

Ok this was short because my laptop has broke and im using a shit laptop to update this fic, so much has happened over the last week. I saw lil peep last monday it was dope!

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