Chapter 32- The Hospital.

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Collecting my thoughts was difficult but eventually I cleaned myself up and walked into Shermans room, after a quick search I found some underwear and pants and changed into them, the pants where a little to long so I rolled them up, I found a backpack and tipped everything out onto the bed. I packed up my dirty clothes and got ready to leave, I wanted to go to the hospital but I feared the drugs in my system may be a problem, I panicked and made myself sick into the toilet the sick was purple and I prayed that I had got rid of all of it from my system.

I walked down stairs and headed to the front door, I turned around and saw Miriam standing in the kitchen doorway I didn't speak or smile I just left. I started to walk back hoping that I would find some way to the hospital. It was now dark outside and I didn't know where I was going, the streets where silent and I soon started to panic. About 40 minutes into the walk my phone started to ring, I looked at who was ringing me, Jonatan:


-Where the fuck are you?

I have to go somewhere is he ok?

-Yeah he just woke up 

Take him to the hospital

- I will sometime, tell me where you are

It doesn't matter i'll call you later

I hung up the phone and continued to walk a text came through on my phone, it was off Jonathan:

Stay safe, love you xx

I smiled but didn't respond...

I walked for around 3 hours before I finally made it to the hospital, the streets where empty and once I got more into the city  I felt comfortable because although hardly anyone was around some small stores where open and I could see signs leading to the hospital. Once there I explained that I needed to see someone about my hand she told me to sit and wait. So I sat down in the full waiting room and let myself fall asleep in the hard plastic chairs.

I woke to a woman shaking my shoulders I looked up at her and she told me I was ready to be seen, I followed her and sat in the doctors room. I was asked to explain what happened I didn't explain I just said "I hurt my hand in a fight" He nodded and I held out my hand to him he checked over it and pressed onto it I told him where he hurts and he explained that it wasn't broken, he explained how i would have to have an x-ray to show how much damage has been done I nodded and listened as he was explaining I said "I was pregnant well I am I don't know I think I lost it in the fight" he nodded and wrote something down. 

I was took into another room with a woman and she made me lay on a bed and she started to touch my stomach, she took blood and told me how she was doing test to check the pregnancy. Before I knew it once again we where moving rooms and I was getting ready for an x-ray. After about an hour i'd done all tests and the nurse had explained that because of how early my pregnancy was the tests wouldn't take long, I felt like I already knew the answer but I waited in the waiting area for the confirmation.

I sat waiting till around 4 am, I drifted in and out of sleep during the wait but I soon heard my name being called out. I looked at the clock in the waiting room it read 4:37 am, I followed the nurse into a room and sat down she looked up to me and said "You have fractured your knuckle and wrist we will have to bandage it before you leave" I nodded "The blood test came back to show you're no longer pregnant, because of how early in the pregnancy and your age sometimes your body will try to reject having a baby" I nodded and she continued to talk about how my body could of been rejecting the baby and being hit in the stomach didn't help.

I left the hospital at 6 am, my arm and hand was bandaged up, I attempted to check my phone but the battery had died I took off the case of my phone and took out the money that I had been storing there. I asked the woman behind the hospital reception desk to call a taxi and before I knew it I was back at Shermans house.

It was around 7 am when I stepped out the taxi, the air was cold but it was getting brighter outside, i paid the driver and walked towards the front door. I looked at the house and prepared myself, I got ready to walk in and have everyone shouting at me.

I didn't knock, I walked straight in and upstairs and straight into Shermans room. I walked in and saw him asleep in bed, next to him lay a guy that I'd seen here previously he had darker skin and dark hair, both of them lay shirtless with a blanket covering them Sherman was faced away from me. I plucked up the courage to tap his shoulder and did so, his head turned and I saw the swollen mess that was now his face, he still had blood on his face and purple bruises where appearing in random places around his face like flowers growing in a field. To my surprise he smiled when he saw me "Hello" he said and winced a little, I tried hard to hold back any emotions but before I knew it a tear was rolling down my face he started to move a little further into the middle of the bed pushing the guy next to him over "come on" he said and I climbed into the bed and into his arms. 

We didn't speak for a while and I thought maybe he had fallen asleep, he finally said "I deserved it" I didn't speak but he continued "where did you go anyway?" "hospital" "what did they say?" I shrugged and said "sprained my arm and knuckle or something" suddenly I heard a voice I hadn't yet heard, it was rough and sounded tired "shut up" the voice said and I laughed "don't mind him" Sherman said but the guy soon got up and said he was sleeping somewhere else, I turned to look at him and saw that he only wore his underwear, I watched as he left the room "who's that?" I asked "Micke" Sherman said and I nodded. 

I was drifting off to sleep when Sherman said "You're right about having the baby it's up to you what you do" I opened my eyes and looked up to him "I lost it" he didn't say anything "they said my body rejected it or something" "oh" he didn't speak after that he just held onto me. I started to feel myself fall asleep, Sherman continued to hold onto me tightly as my eyes closed...

Change me - A Yung Lean FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora