Chapter 6- The barn and the bed

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My eyes shot open once the deafening banging started on my door...who the fuck decided I couldn't sleep all through the weekend. "WHAT?" I shouted as i rushed to get some clothes on before whoever was knocking knocked my door down. I finally opened the door to see Lean stood on the other side "God do you ever wake up? I tried calling your phone" He said sounding mad, I just shrugged and moved from the door so he could follow me inside. "What do you want?" I said whilst yawning "me, you, Bladee and Liv are going out today" he said whilst looking at his phone, "Who's Liv?" I mumbled whilst choosing some clothes "The girl that came over yesterday" Great I thought. I walked into the bathroom and locked the door behind me, I took a quick shower, put on some light makeup and then got changed into a burgundy jumper and black jeans with some old scruffy Nikes. I walked back into my room and saw Lean asleep in my bed, how did he fall asleep I was like half an hour? I checked my phone the time was 11am and I had  a text off Sav just saying to call her today. I got my hair dryer out and laughed a little whilst plugging it in I turned to look at Leans sleeping baby face and turned on the hair dryer.. I had never seen a face show so much fear and shock as he jumped and sat up straight "Fuck you" he said and I started to laugh. After 10 minutes of silence as dried most of my hair i put away the dryer and put my hair up, I turned around and saw Lean still sulking on the bed "Come on it was funny" I said and he laughed. "You're an idiot, come on" He said standing and walking towards the door, I grabbed my stuff and left the room behind him. 

We walked to the bottom floor and Liv was stood there waiting she smiled to me and hugged Lean, after their brief hug he turned to me and rolled his eyes, guess he isn't into her as much as she is to him, I laughed under my breath. After we had signed out at the main office and had left the school grounds I turned to Lean and said "What about Bladee?" "Oh he's working we will go meet him" Lean said, I didn't know if I should ask where he worked or where we where going.. I decided not to talk and just listen to Liv as she spoke about boys and shit I didn't care bout, At this point we had been walking for half an hour I hadn't said anything and was just walking behind in silence like an old dog trailing behind its owner. Eventually we turned a street corner and Bladee was stood there, both Bladee and Lean briefly hugged then we all continued to walk... Liv continued to talk and we all contiued to walk with Lean occasionally saying a few words, Bladee eventually stepped back to he was next to me "You ok?" I said and he just nodded and jerked his backpack further up his back.

Eventually we reached a old barn that was almost falling apart, It was nearly 3pm now and I just wanted to be back at the school I was fed up with this annoying girl... Once inside the barn, that looked like it could collapse on us at any second, we sat down on the floor in a small circle and Bladee pulled out a joint from his bag...I walked all the way here for something I wasn't at all interested in? Once Bladee started passing the joint I decided i'd just leave so instead i stood up and walked out. I couldn't walk back I had no idea where to go so instead I just sat in the field that surrounded the barn, I decided now was the perfect time to call Sav...

It took 2 calls before she picked up 

-Hi, Sorry it took so long to call 

Sav- Dont worry about it ! i missed you so much how is it have you made friends

She rambled on asking questions

-Stop asking shit Sav calm down.. Yes it's fine, Its fucking cold, I met some people I don't think we are on friends level yet.

She continued to talk about how she wasn't joining a college and she was looking for a job eventually we said our goodbyes and i hung up.

Once it turned 5pm and I had got bored of playing games on my phone I was about to attempt to walk back but sure enough I heard foot steps behind me, I turned around to see Lean with a bottle of cheap vodka in his hand "I thought you went back, come on don't stay out here we are having fun" He said in an almost excited way I shrugged and he continued by saying "I get it weed isn't your thing, you don't have to smoke to have a good time" I smiled because I was happy he understood.. He then placed his hands one on each side of my face and said "Just come back you don't have to do anything you don't want to" "Fine" I said and moved his hands, he put his arm over my shoulder as we walked back to the barn.

When I walked back in the smell was strong and I could see Bladee lied on his back with his eyes closed, possibly asleep, but Liv was still very much awake she was playing drunk and god it had already started to annoy me...I took the bottle of vodka out of Leans hand and started to drink from it as i walked over to Bladee, he reached one of his arms out to me as I stood over his almost lifeless body and his arm was finally exposed to me. I know he saw me look but neither of us said anything "come on get up I wanna go back" I said "Fine we will go" he said and stood up. "You coming Lean?" Bladee shouted over as Lean was now hugging Liv "We will catch you up" He said without emotion. 

It was now 5:30pm and all I could think about is how last meal was at 6pm, Bladee and I where walking fast neither of us wanted to be out in the cold any longer.. I occasionally turned around but Lean wasn't in view "He will probably go a different way and try to get there before us" Bladee said and I nodded "What was you doing this morning?" I asked I don't know if i really want to know or I was just trying to make conversation "working" he said without emotion "Yeah but doing what?" I asked "Selling drugs" He said and laughed a little "oh" i whispered. 

A silent walk is a boring walk but we eventually made it back at about 6:15pm and we went straight to the food hall. After eating Bladee said "Im sorry for my arm, it was a bad day" "You don't have to apologise, I've had those days" I replied and gave a shy smile... Is there any teens today without depression? I think nearly everyone understands, I thought to myself. 

At 7pm Lean and Liv came strolling in both with smiles on their faces, they picked up the last of the food from the counter and sat down with us...After watching Lean shove as much food in his face I said "Im tired I'll see you tomorrow" and stood up to hear Bladee say "me too", we walked out of the food hall together and Bladee walked with me to my room I opened the door and we both walked in and sat on my bed. "Shit I need to sign out" I said as Bladee stood to go to my bathroom, "Take both of our cards and sign out" he said through the door I opened his backpack to get his card out and was greeted by many bags of different sizes filled with a large range of drugs I laughed to myself and dug around until i found the card. "I'll be back in a minute" I shouted and took both cards to the small machine at the end of the corridor and swiped them, Once i returned to my room I saw Bladee now curled up in my bed what is it with people sleeping in my bed? I thought to myself. 

I decided not to wake him and instead got changed into a shirt and shorts and peeled back the covers his back was facing me but i still climbed in the bed besides him, I've shared beds with my friends before so this didn't bother me. As soon as my head touched the pillow I fell asleep.

It had turned 1am when I heard once again loud banging on my door, this time I got up as quickly as I could before Bladee woke "What?!" I said in an angry whisper as I opened the door to Leans clearly drunk face. He laughed and collapsed on my floor, before I could close the door I heard his snoring.. After finding a jacket to cover Lean with so he didn't freeze I climbed back into bed, I laughed as I thought about how strange the situation is. I closed my eyes and eventually started to drift off to sleep...

Authors Notes- Sorry if this chapter is shitty I'm really sick right now and was struggling to write this...Hope nobody minds. 

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