Prince Not-So-Charming

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{Alexis=My Twin}

{I had this dream an immediatly started writing "Seconds in Time". Thank god for weekend dreams!}

I’ll start off by saying this dream is absolutely spectacular and I can’t get away without writing a story about it.

Okay, so I-though I didn’t look like myself-was chosen to be the bride of the prince of whatever land we lived in. For most of the dream I recall being fairly happy because I was in a pretty dress and Alexis was there to get me hyped about getting married and having fun at the reception, which was for some reason before the wedding instead of after.

However, just before the prince and I started getting dressed for the wedding I learned something that I in the dream already knew. My future husband was no prince charming. He was all business and very cold. I never saw him smile and he seemed to be angry all the time. Of course, this bothered me because it was an arranged marriage nightmare. He didn’t care about me and I hated him.

So, now that you’re filled in on the emotions of the dream I’ll start from the first thing I remember. I was at the venue, which was down a long dirt path from the castle. I had already been living there for a few weeks. I was wearing a yellow and white dress that was long in the back and short in the front so I could “have fun and look good” as I recall stating to Alexis. I spoke to someone and they told me to go back to the castle so of course, I did.

One of those dream black outs happened and I was riding up to the castle in a carriage with the prince. I refused to look at him all the way up, but being the first time I saw him in the dream I can tell you what he looked like. His hair was black and soft looking. He was tall and had dark, soulless eyes. He seemed very controlling and though I don’t remember us speaking at this time he did nonchalantly hold my hand and I didn’t protest.

Next thing I know I was all happy to be in my little room in the castle with Alexis. Doing as I had been told I changed into my wedding dress, but then the queen-who was really nice and sweet-told me to change back because the reception wasn’t over (which is so something I would do since I think I fast forward). So of course I did. Alexis left at some point and the prince walked in. We argued about something and eventually he turned to walk out of the room after getting the last word in.

My heart was in my stomach and I suddenly hated the day I was living in and I hated him even more. Suddenly though, he turned around and kissed me, taking me completely off guard. Actually, the force of the kiss scared the living hell out of me. It was insane really because I didn’t just see it. I could feel his lips against mine as if someone were kissing me in my sleep. His lips were moist and…cold, which was odd. Anyway, I was completely shocked so it took a second for me to get over it and kiss back.

Then there was a gap and I was in the bathroom next to my room, brushing my teeth. The prince was there, just staring at me with his arms crossed. He looked as unhappy as he usually did, but at least we were on speaking terms with each other. Of course, it seemed kind of awkward because I wasn’t sure how he felt about me and I was still in shock. Oh, and all of this took place at night.

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