Restart and Run

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Okay, I don’t remember all of the beginning of this so I’ll do what I can.

So, I was adopted by this family right? The mother is nice but strict and the father is just strict. I’m pretty sure there was at least one younger kid. The house was huge, as well as the entire neighborhood. There were like a million rooms and none of them were small. The house was pink, white, and a light tan color; a little like the one across the street (from my actual house).

I remember walking into one room and it had seven kind of small TV’s and one giant one on the other side of the room. They were all tuned to football. For some reason I was baffled by the size of the big TV. The next thing I know I’m by this hug pond that’s in town, there were a lot of other people there. I was jumping from rock to rock, they were lined up along the trail, they were the same color as the ones at Old Man’s Cave and about half their size.

I landed on one rock that had a blue line in it and something that I didn’t see carved into it. Some guy was talking to me and the only word I remember him saying was “George” even though I know there was more to the conversation than that. The next thing I know this really creepy, grey skinned dead guy runs past me. He wasn’t like a ghost, more like a corps and I was for some reason under the impression that he came out of the pond.

And now it starts getting interesting.

I got really freaked out and just started running. My goal was to get home as soon as possible but I ended up lost. The houses around me were still huge and everything made it seem like I was in the right neighborhood. But because I was still freaking out and on an adrenalin rush I kept running.

The next thing I know it’s dark and it feels like I’m being chased but I’m still trying to get home. I came to this huge bridge and you know when you’re lost and realize you’ve been going the wrong way, your heart kind of drops into your stomach. Well that happened and I turned around. I ran into some girl that seemed to be a little older than me and we hid in a moderately packed parking lot by a white SUV. It was kind of cool because I could see the lights of the city, everything seemed so real.

Fireworks started going off and I had come to the conclusion that it was the 4th of July. Also known as my Friday the 13th.  The girl I was with told me to hide under the SUV so I did. There was a pipe in my face so I knew if someone started it I would be smothered by the smoke. In reality I would be able to feel the heat from the ground and I wouldn’t have been freaking out near as much. No one was going to start the car but I felt like they would.

So this guy shows up wearing all black (well at least his shirt, it was dark) and takes me with him. We started running in the direction that I had originally come from. We ran through crowds of people that didn’t seem to see us and while we were running was then I got the best look at the fireworks. The fireworks stopped and we came to a wide alley in between two brick buildings. The alley was filled with cops. That’s when I got the feeling that’s who I was running from and that I wasn’t supposed to be seen by anyone.

We ran through the alley, again going unnoticed. We ran down the road that I knew I lived on and for some reason I remember getting a really good look at the biggest house. I remember telling the guy I was with what my house looked like. It was up a little ways away on a hill and it was white with dark blue shutters. We kept running until I found what I thought was my house. Once I ran in it I realized it wasn’t and darted out. A few houses down we finally found my house but it wasn’t the color that gave it away.

What gave it away was the fact that the doors were wide open as if welcoming my return. We ran in and my mother hugged me. I looked back at the guy who came with me. He had sandy blonde hair and blue or brown eyes. After that I woke up.

Oh, yeah, and it turns out that we had to cross the bridge to get home.

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