Wind Chimes and Clarity

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{Alexis=My Twin & Erica=My Friend Since 5th Grade & Donnie=Erica's Boyfriend (not even in my dreams can he not be with her!)}

The first thing I remember is sitting on top of a hospital. Now, this wasn’t some hugely tall building. The part I was sitting on was about as tall as a shed. My mom (not really my mom) was talking to some guy who was a doctor there. We were about to leave so I thought “Okay, I’ll just jump down then”. When I went to jump down I found that there was no drop. There was just this pile of gravel from the roof to the ground. Without intending to I slid down it.

Since there is a gap between that and what happens next I’ll tell you what I know about where we lived. It was a very tight knit community in what seemed to be the middle of nowhere. We were all kind of poor but happy nonetheless. Oh, and there weren’t any cars or electronics. The climate was either really dry all the time or stormy. Yeah, that’s pretty much all I know.

So, Alexis and I decided we were going to go for a walk in the woods. That seemed normal enough until we got there. Everything was really uncluttered, meaning there were no twigs and loose rocks on the ground at all. I know we walked around for a while and there was some other guy there, but we just ignored him.

After that there was another gap, but this one was more annoying. Whatever I was doing and wherever I was I kept running into Erica. She had a different box of candy every time I saw her and she always dropped it.

So after that I remember running into her one more time and she had a green box of something or another. She then ran over to Donnie who was standing on the other side of the dirt road. I went home and remember thinking about this house next door. It belonged to an old lady who had died a long time ago and no one had lived in it since. She had no family and no one to entrust it to. So needless to say it just sat there.

The house was one story and relatively small. The wood was bare, splintery, and light brown. The house was surrounded by really tall, wavy, brown grass that looked more like wheat than anything. The only thing out of place about it was this fairly large, really shiny wind chime on the porch. The house and the wind chime made me really curious, but we weren’t allowed to go over there.

The last thing I remember is standing on the porch of the house staring at the wind chime.

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