Unearthly Land

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{Nathan=My Brother & Tanner=Family Friend}

This isn’t really what I want to be doing right now but I have to do it before I forget.

Okay so it starts off with me and some other people that were apparently my family moving into this house that was pretty much in the middle of nowhere. It was bright there were a ton of hills in front of the house (looked like the Scottish Highlands) and to the left of the house was a really dark forest. I remember it was pretty hot. We stopped by a tall sandy colored tree that had no leaves. None of the trees had leaves but they weren’t dead. The tree was on a really small hill that cut slightly into the dirt path that we were walking along. Anyway, the reason we stopped by the tree was so we could take pictures.

The house was very big and white and had many balconies that wrapped around the house. The next thing I remember is it being night time. I got up to get something and ended up getting lost in the various hallways. There was this room with a million and a half couches in a labyrinth- like pattern. For some reason I refused to let myself climb over them.

Finally I came to these sliding glass doors. I opened them and stepped out onto a soaking wet, wooden balcony. I sat down on the drenched, cushioned love seat type thing. I grabbed my laptop that was for some reason out there and looked through the stack of movies. I only remember seeing Nemo, The Haunting in Connecticut, and Percy Jackson in it though there were many more. I popped in the Percy Jackson one and just before it came on Nathan and Tanner showed up and showed me the way back to my room.

The next morning when I got dressed I was wearing leopard print and hot pink. Yeah, I dunno. Oh, and the hallways were really narrow. Like so narrow that they were only a little wider than shoulder length. Me and some little girl and Nathan and a random hot guy went for a walk into town. We went the opposite way we had come from the day before.

We went into the woods and after a while found that we were going to have to cross a muddy river. The path continued under the water that was about knee height. I wasn’t very happy about going anywhere with the three people I was with. Oh, and I was no longer wearing leopard print and hot pink for some reason. Some random passerby picked up this huge log with a reed (or cattails or something like that) loop on the end and held it over the little girls head.

It was apparently some kind of Native American greeting from the area. I mean, they weren’t supposed to use freaken logs, but you get the point. I pulled her out of the way and yelled at the guy as he walked away unfazed. I gave the little girl a small stick with a loop and we kept walking. Suddenly all these people started coming into the lake from the direction we were going. There was a little hill on the other side and at the bottom of it was the market.

The little girl started running into the crowed and I had to chase her down. Once I caught her we were out of the lake and I could see the market, or I should have at least. My expression was something of awe, but all I could see was white light. Then I woke up.

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