Lies & Jealous {5H/You} pt. 1

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I was lying in my bunk scrolling through my Instagram and then checked my Twitter liking some tweets and replied to some of the Harmonizers tweets, when suddenly the curtain opened and made me jump slightly looking at my five beautiful girlfriends, "may I help you?" I said raising one eyebrow smiling at them, "we just wanted to tell you that Simon called and said we have a 'date' with The Vamps and Austin Mahone." Ally said, Y'know... We aren't actually out to the world yet and Simon told us we can't tell the world that we're together or else they'll ruin their career, so he made them date 'The Cramps' and 'Austinia Mahoena' for publicity too. I rolled my eyes and said "why does it has to be like this way?" I sighed and got out of the bunk and went to the kitchen to drink some water, "baby, we know you hate this and us too but we have to or else Simon might cancel our tour." Lauren said wrapping her arms around my neck I sighed, "fine go ahead." They kissed my cheek and told me not to worry about them.

I sat in the back lounge playing with our Pomeranian puppy, my uncle gave the puppy to me few months ago and I decided to call him Harmony, the girls reaction was priceless when I told them that (lmao I didnt know what to say so hush).
I took my phone on the table and checked Twitter since I'm bored and the girls left like few hours ago, I kept on scrolling down on my feed then immediately stopped when a tweet from @TheVamps5HMahoneShip tweeted something, It was a picture of the girls and the boys. Ally smiling and looking at Connor like she's in love with him, Normani sitting on Tristan's lap and wrapping her arms around him laughing at something he said, Lauren on the couch hugging Brad from behind while they at each other eyes, Camila on the floor with Austin straddling her while he tickles her, and finally Dinah riding on James back giving her a piggyback ride. I felt anger build inside me I really hated this whole thing maybe they really like the boys and what if we broke up because of them, I started to overthink I huffed and got up to go outside for some fresh air, when I went outside I felt the cold breeze hit my face I walked around then heard someone called my name I turned around and see Shawn jogging to me, "hey nugget" He said smiling, Shawn and I were bestfriends since diapers, so he is actually like a brother to me. "Hey Shawny boi" I smirked knowing that he doesn't like it when I call him this, "Seriously stahp it." He whined, I laughed at him "so what's up?" I asked him, "nothing much, I just finished doing rehearsal and then I saw you walking so I said why not hang out with you since it's been a while we haven't hung out together." He said smiling, "yeah bro we definitely should hang out like the old times, so where do you wanna go?" I said glancing at him, "anywhere you want, as long as we are hanging around." He said shrugging, we talked while going anywhere our leg is taking us. (Is that even a proper sentence? IM-)


The girls of Fifth harmony were enjoying their time with their 'boyfriends' and really forgot about Y/N, but little did they know that they are slowly falling for their fake boyfriends and forget about Y/N, while Y/N and Shawn messing around in the arena waiting for her girls.

"We had fun today ladies, hopefully we'll do it again tomorrow?" Brad said with his british accent, "yeah sure, I think we have nothing to do tomorrow, right girls?" Lauren said glancing to the other girls who nodded their heads. They even forgot about the date their having with their real girlfriend, Y/NN. "Alright then good night pretty ladies, see you tomorrow." Austin said hugging Camila, same goes to the others. Aha! Y'all maybe didn't know that
they were also behind the bus and Y/N also heard them which made her feel upset and disappointed that they forgot about their date tomorrow. The girls went in the bus and then ran to Y/N's bunk to find her facing the other side not looking at the girls. "Y/N babe we're back." Normani said, but nothing was heard from the teenage girl. "She probably sleeping, good night baby." Camila said then kissed Y/N's cheek and the other girls did the same before going to their own bunks. Y/N wasn't actually asleep, she just didn't want to talk to any of them right now.


Thinking about what they said killed me and also forgetting about our date and going on there so called date with the boys kills me more. I slowly walked to the kitchen cause I'm hungry and didn't want to make any noise, I slowly grabbed something to eat, when i was done I walked back to the front and watched tv, there was a coughing sound behind me I looked back and saw the girls looking at me they sat beside me and cuddled with me. I slowly untangled myself and got up, them following me, "Y/N are you mad at us?" Lauren asked, I chuckled bitterly "no I'm not mad, in fact that you all forgot about our date but remember your dates with your 'boyfriends' tomorrow, I can't believe you." I said, they looked down not talking to me. I shake my head and closed the curtain of my bunk.

Hello! I dunno if this imagine is good but hopefully I'll be making part 2 better. So anyways thank you for the votes1!2!2!1 LMAO anyways I will post part 2 soon maybe, kay kay bye!!!

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