High School Crush {5H/You}

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"Take care honey, I'll be sure to pick you up before I go to work, love you Y/NN!" My mom says before she drove back to the house.

I sighed then turned around to see all students were talking and messing around, I looked at the school building it was big but not that big.

I heard the bell rang as the students rushed inside the school, I walked inside and looked for the principle's office to get my schedule.

I knocked on the principles office door and heard a 'come in'

I opened the door to see 5 beautiful girls sitting on 5 different chairs in front the principles table office.

"Hello how may I help you?" The principles ask, I cleared my throat.

"Uh hi, I'm Y/N Y/LN, I'm new here and I'm here to pick up my schedule." I said politely.

"Ah. You're the new student. Alright Y/LN here's your schedule, your next class is Physics. I'll let someone to send you there. Just wait here." Principle Jones said. Yeah that's his name right? Eh.

"I can send her there Mr. Jones." The girl with green eyes said. Aha! Told ya it's Jones I mean Mr. Jones.

"Okay Lauren here is going to send you Y/N." I nodded then walked out with the girl named 'Lauren' to Physics class.

"So, Y/N you're new here, would you like to tour the school later with me?" Lauren says, I looked at her and shyly nodded. Damn those eyes.

"Awh thanks, your eyes are beautiful too so." Lauren giggled.

"I said that out loud didn't I?" I blushed. "Yes you did," Lauren giggled once again. Oh gawd her giggles are the music to my ears.

"Alright here we are." We stopped in front of the physics class.

"T-thank you for sending me here, L-lauren." Gosh why did I stutter.

"No problem Y/N, it was nice talking to you. But yeah meet me at the cafeteria later. Okay?" I nodded and smiled.

"Alright now go inside, you sure don't wanna miss the class." I laughed. "I already missed half of the class Jauregui." Lauren playfully rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Now go inside Y/NN." I nodded and waved at her before entering the class.

Oh boi.
~ Ring Ring Ring.

I got up from my seat along with the other students who were piling up their way out of the class. I collected my stuff and walked out to the cafeteria. Once I entered the cafeteria I scanned the cafeteria to find the green-eyed beauty.

"Y/N!" I looked around to see who called my name.

"Y/N over here! Look to your left!" I looked to the left and saw Lauren waving her hands. I walked to her and sat on the table.

"Hello." I smiled and muttered a 'hello' back.

"So Y/N are you hungry or do you wanna go tour the school?" She said. "Uhm I'm not hungry so let's go." We stood up and walked out.

"Lauren!" We glanced back and saw four other girls jogging up to us. Aren't they the one in the principles office?

"Hey girls. What's up?" Lauren greeted them.

"Nothing much, we saw you walking out so we thought why not catching up with you?" The short girl said. She's short but it's cute, I like short girls.

"Well I'm giving Y/N a tour around the school." I shyly waved at them.

"Awe she's so cute, hello I'm Camila." The brunette girl said then giving me a hug. I awkwardly hugged her back.

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