Cheater! {Lauren/You}

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(A/N: Camila at the back tho;) ahaha)

————————————————YOUR P.O.V

"You're fired!" My boss yelled, I rolled my eyes and grabbed my stuff and left

So what really happened was that I overcooked the burger and the costumers complained about it. I shook my head and chuckled at what I have done but I could careless right now.

I reached my car and unlocked it, I started the ignition and sat for 3mins doing something in the car, I sighed and unlocked my phone I opened Instagram and posted a picture of me few months ago, I know I know that's the typical me *shrugs*. I locked my phone then drove my way to the house.

"Laur I'm home!" I said, closing the door behind me and locking it. I took off my shoes and jacket, I placed my phone on the table and walked upstairs.

When I was about to open the bedroom door I heard moans, my heart started to race and my eyes were slightly widened. 'Please don't tell me please don't tell me please please' I whisper to myself. I slowly opened the door and saw Brad on top of Lauren fucking each other.

My heart shattered into pieces and tears streamed down my face, I shut the door loud enough for them to hear, I stormed downstairs ignoring Lauren calling out my name while she ran behind me, I grabbed my car keys and took my shoe and went to my car, I unlocked my car and climbed inside quickly started the ignition and drove off to somewhere

I'm here sitting in a place where I calm my mind off and looking at the beautiful city.

I sighed and got up to walk around the place, moments later my phone buzzed in my pocket I pulled my phone out and checked, Lolo😍: 38 missed calls, 42 text messages. I ignored it and opened twitter, I scrolled through my feed then stopped when I saw Lauren twitted something 3 minutes ago,

LaurenJauregui: I'm sorry for fucking shit up, I need you, I love you, and I miss you already, I want you to hold me in your arms and never let go, please come back to me, you're all I need. Please come back home baby :(

I don't know why do I feel bad but she's the one who cheated on me, the love of my life cheated on me! We're together for 3 years and she did that, how could she?!

I climbed into the car and stayed there for a while until my eyes slowly shut and darkness took over me and drifted to sleep in the car

Next morning

I opened my eyes then quickly shut when the sunlight hit my eyes, I opened my eyes slowly again then sat up I took my phone out of my pocket and checked the time, I sighed and started the ignition.

I drove to Waffle House nearby and parked my car, I got out and locked the car as I was walking and looking at my phone I bumped someone on the shoulder, "sorry ma'am I should have look where I wa- Lauren?!" I said looking at the green eyed girl, she looked at me shocked, "Y/N?" She said, I shook my head and started walk away then stopped when she grabbed my arm, "please baby I can expl- No Lauren you cheated on me with your ex boyfriend and you want to explain right now?!" I cut her off angrily, "do you even love me Lauren? Am I not good for you?!" I yelled as tears rolled down my cheek, "Of course I love you Y/N, I love you so much that it hurts to see you leave me! I'm so in love with you!!" She said tears rolling down her cheeks, I laughed bitterly and shook my head, "if you're in love with me then why did you cheat on me?" I said, "and second, it doesn't hurts seeing the love of my life fucking someone behind my back?! Tell me Lauren?!" I yelled, she just stood there crying, "I can't believe you, I lost all your trust and now I'm breaking up with you." I said, she shook her head " no no please don't leave me Y/N I love you so much please don't leave me," she sobbed and hugging me tightly, I shook my head and pushing her slightly for her to get off of me, "Please Y/N" she begged, I sighed and walked away leaving her behind, she just sobbed where she was standing.

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