Another Day

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Marshall's P.O.V.
"Please leave me alone De'angelo" I beg. "Yo look at this idiot" he says to his friends referring to me.
Don't cry Marshall don't cry I think to myself.
"Hey De'angelo leave that boy alone" some girl yells.
"Dang Alyssa you're looking fine" De'angelo says to this Alyssa girl.
"Thanks D, but seriously leave the boy alone" she repeats.
"Alright, anything for you Aly" he says and walks away.
"Thanks" I say quietly.
"No problem" "what's your name?" she asks me.
"Marshall" I reply.
"Nice to meet you Marshall, I'm Alyssa but you can call me Aly if you want" she says to me.
"Oh, okay Aly" I say giving her a small smile.
Aly is very pretty she has long shiny brown hair and big blue eyes.
"You are really pretty" I say to her.
"Awww thanks" she says smiling at me.
"So you like comic books" she says as she looks down at the comic book in my lap.
"Yeah I do" I say smiling.
"That's cool, who's your favorite?" she asks.
"My favorite is Spider-Man" I say happily.
"Nice" she says smiling.
"So are you friends with De'angelo?" I ask her.
"Not exactly, I dated him for a while but it didn't work out because he cheated on me with my friend" she says.
"Oh I'm sorry, my mom's boyfriends always seem to end up cheating on her too" I say.
*Ding Ding* the lunch bell rings.
"I guess I'll see you later Marshall" she says.
"Bye Alyssa."
Alyssa's P.O.V.
He seems nice enough, I feel bad that De'angelo was picking on him.

I walk home everyday from school with my friend Aimee.  I have lots of other friends too but I'm not close with most of them. Aimee is probably one of my closest friends, she's really popular like me, and she has curly red hair and hazel colored eyes. "So how was your day?" Aimee asks me.
"Oh fine I guess, one of my exes De'angelo was picking on some boy during lunch, I felt bad" I tell her.
"Oh, what was his name?" she asks.
"Umm... he said it was Marshall" I tell her.
"Marshall Mathers?" she questions.
"I guess" I say.
"You should stay away from him" she says.
"Why?" I ask feeling really confused.
"Because he's weird" she says.
"He seemed okay to me" I say.
"Whatever Aly" she says rudely.
"What's wrong with you?" I yell.
"You!" she yells and shoves me to the ground. I get back up and I decide not to fight back, but to just walk away, I'm not in the mood to start a fight right now.
Why can't I ever have a friend that's actually nice to me.
Marshall's P.O.V.
I open the door to my small house and walk inside. As I walk in I see my little brother Nate laying on his stomach stacking blocks. "Hey Nate" I say.
He looks up at me and giggles.
I make my way into my shabby kitchen and I see my mother sitting at our wooden kitchen table with a cigarette between her fingers. She looks tired.
"Hey ma" I say.
She looks at me and just gives me a small smile which tells me she doesn't really feel like talking to me. I walk into my room, sit down on my blue beanbag and I listen to music. I really like rap music and someday my dream is to be one. I doubt that would ever happen I think to myself sadly. No one ever seems to care about me, except maybe Alyssa.

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