The Homecoming Dance Part 1

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Marshall's P.O.V.

"Hey Kim."

"Hey Marshall."

"So Kim there's something I wanted to ask you..." my voice shakes a little and my hands begin to feel sweaty.

"What is it Marshall?"

"Well tomorrow is the homecoming dance at my high school and, well, I was wondering if you'd like to go with me."

"You mean like a date?"

"Well yeah, I guess..."

She smiles at me beautifully and her thick pink lip gloss shimmers on  her lips, "sure Marshall I'd love to go to the dance with you."

A big smile creeps onto my face and it must've looked cheesy because both Kim and Dawn start laughing but I don't mind, I'm going on my first date.

The next day

"Marshall wake up" I hear someone say as they shake me by my shoulder but I'm too tired so I turn on my other side on my bean bag and squeeze my eyes shut, but the shaking doesn't stop.

"Marshall wake up you have to go shopping with me, Dawn, and your mom."

"Hmmm... why?" I ask still half asleep.

"Because I have to find something somewhat nice for that dance tonight."

"Oh, but why do I have to go?"

"Don't you want to help me pick something out?"

"I'm not really into fashion, you should just surprise me" I say smiling at her.

Kim puts her hands on her hips and gives me a slight glare, "fine we'll go without you" she huffs and storms off.

I don't get it what did I do wrong?

Alyssa's P.O.V.

"Ugh, I'm not too happy about going to this dance, I can't believe I always let Aimee talk me into these things. On top of going to the dance she set me up with De'angelo, completely ignoring my pleas not to. In my mind it's just a one night thing and then I won't talk to him, this night will definitely not include romance. All of a sudden I hear someone knocking on my front door loudly. My mom's not here so I go and answer the door myself. When I open it I see a very excited Marshall standing on my porch.

"Guess what Alyssa."


"Kim said yes, we're going to the dance together."

"Oh that's great I'm so happy for you" she gives me a big hug and invites me inside.

Marshall's P.O.V.

Alyssa invites me inside and I gladly accept her offer.

"So are you excited about going the dance tonight?" I ask her.

"Well, to be honest, no."

"Oh, how come?"

"Well, I just don't feel up to it but I have a date so I have to go."

"Oh I'm sure you'll have fun, who's your date?"

"It's De'angelo Bailey."

Alyssa's P.O.V.

As soon as I say De'angelo's name Marshall's face drops.

"But he's mean to you and to me, why would you want to date him?" he asks sounding sad and confused.

"No, no, no, I'm not dating him Aimee made me go with him. Don't worry I'm not getting back together with him" I say trying to reassure him, but he still looks uncertain.

"Ummm... okay, well I should get going Kim's going to need my help with her dress."

He stands up and heads towards the front door, "Marshall wait!"

"What's wrong Alyssa?" he says quickly turning around.

"Are you mad at me Marshall?"

"No of course not, I just need to get going" he offers a small smile then turns back around.

"Oh, okay, I'll see you tonight."

Marshall's P.O.V.

I'm really unsure about what to feel right now, I'm definitely not mad at Alyssa but I'm sad because she's going out with a bully. I know whose fault this is, it's Aimee's. Aimee is a bully too she makes fun of me and she bosses Alyssa around, someday I need to do something about that.

I reach the front steps of my house and I notice that my mother's car is parked in the driveway which means that Kim is home from shopping. I walk up the steps and walk inside my house.

"Well, well, well, look who decided to show up" Dawn says.

"Dawn stop it" Kim says defending me.

"Sorry I was just saying hi to Alyssa, she's going to the dance tonight too."

"Oh, that's nice does she have a date?"

"Yeah..." I say quietly hoping that I don't have to elaborate on that situation.

"Well do you want to see my dress?"

"You got a dress?"

"Well yeah I've got to look nice."

"Sure I'd love to see your dress."

Kim walks over to the kitchen and grabs a shopping bag off of the table. She brings it into the living room and pulls a pink dress out of the bag then she holds it up to herself.

"What do you think?" she asks smiling.

"It's beautiful, I'm sure that it'll look great on you."

"Thanks Marshall I'm sure this night will be fun" she tells me. Then to my surprise she places a small kiss on my cheek. Wow I'd better make this night special for her.

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