Left Out

489 11 9

Marshall's P.O.V.

I open my eyes and I see sunlight shining through my windows, I look around the room and I notice that Kim and Dawn aren't in the room. I get off of my beanbag and slowly walk to the kitchen where Kim, Dawn, and my mother are sitting at the table eating breakfast.

"Hey nice to see that you're up" Kim says.

"Yeah your mom makes great waffles, too bad there isn't any left" Dawn chimes in.

"There's no more waffles?" I ask.

My mother shakes her head no.

"Could you make a couple more for me?" I ask hopefully because I love waffles.

"Oh I'm sorry Marshall you should've gotten up earlier, maybe I can make them for dinner tonight. I'm taking Kim and Dawn to the store, do you want to come?"

"No I'm okay" I say sighing.

I go back to my room and get dressed, I guess I'll just go sit at the basketball court maybe Alyssa will be there.

Alyssa's P.O.V.

I'm sitting on a bench at the basketball court reading this book I stole from a bookstore, it's actually pretty good.

"Alyssa! Hey Alyssa!" I hear Marshall's voice call out.

 I look up from my book and smile at him as he runs towards me.

"Hey Marshall, how are you?"

"I'm okay" he says less enthusiastically.

"Oh, what's wrong?"

"My mother made waffles for Kim and Dawn but I didn't get any because I didn't get up on time, now the three of them are going shopping."

"Oh I'm sorry."

"Oh it's fine, she said she might make them again for dinner."

"Well that would be nice."

"Whatcha reading?" Marshall asks with his gaze fixated on my book.

"To tell you the truth I don't quite know yet but it seems good, I just got it from the store."

"Did your mother get it for you?"

I laugh "no I stole it."

"Oh Alyssa's being a bad girl."

"Yeah, yeah" I say still laughing.

"Do you want to read it when I finish?"

"Nah, I hate reading."

"But you love writing" I say feeling slightly confused.

"Well yeah, but I hate reading."


"I don't know, bad attention span maybe? I mean I have to read paragraphs over and over again it's just annoying."

"I could read to you, that way we'll be on the same page."

"Yeah I guess I like that idea" he agrees.

Marshall's P.O.V.

I like this book that Alyssa is reading it's some adventure book.

"And that's the end of chapter eleven" she says snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I like it so far."

"Good, well I'm starving want to come back to my house for lunch" she asks.

"Yeah that'd be great, thanks" I say happily accepting the offer.

This day started off bad but it seems to be looking up and it's all thanks to Alyssa. We arrive at Alyssa's house she tells me that I need to be quiet because her mother is probably sleeping, so she opens the door quietly and we tiptoe into her kitchen.

"I can make you a tuna fish sandwich and there's pop in the fridge" she says.

"Yeah that'd be cool" I say in agreement.

Alyssa makes us each a sandwich and we sit down at her kitchen table and eat together.

"So Kim and Dawn are staying with you now?"

"Yeah, they have no where else to go so my mom is taking them in."

"Well that's nice of her, but where are they going to sleep?"

"They get my bed."

"Oh, well where will you sleep?"

"On my beanbag."

"That doesn't seem right" she says frowning.

"Yeah but what am I going to do about it?"

"Well I don't know..." she says as her voice trails off. "But just know if you ever need to spend the night over here you're always welcome to do that."

"Aww thanks Alyssa."

"You're welcome" she says smiling.

Me and Alyssa finish our sandwiches then we walk back to the court and Alyssa reads more of the story but after a while it starts to get dark out and I realize that I need to get home in time for waffles.

"Hey Alyssa I need to get going now I want to be home in time for dinner."

She laughs "oh yeah you don't want to miss eating those waffles, I'll walk you home."

Alyssa walks me to my doorstep then tells me goodnight, and walks home.

I walk inside the door and Nate toddles over to me and gives me a hug, "brother's home."

My mother smiles at me and says "I made you waffles."

"Thanks ma" I reply as I take the plate of waffles out of my mothers hands and set them on the table.

I start to dig in to my waffles but then I notice Kim sitting across the table from me, and she's wearing makeup. Her lips are glossy and pink, my mother must've bought her makeup. I finish eating my waffles then the four go and sit in the living room. I try to sit next to my mother but Kim pushes me away and I end up on the ground but I'm okay because I look at her and she's just beautiful, not beautiful like Alyssa but beautiful like, well, I think I have a crush on Kim.

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