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Alyssa's P.O.V.
This Kim girl sounds like trouble but Marshall seems to like her, I don't know why though.
Marshall's P.O.V.
Kim is really pretty and she has a nice voice just like Alyssa, but I don't like the fact that she was being mean to Alyssa, she's my best friend and no one is allowed to be mean to my best friend.
"Marshall come on let's go to my house" Alyssa says.
"That sounds fun but can Kim come?" I ask.
"Alyssa sighs deeply and says "sure if she wants to."
"Do you want to?" I ask Kim.
"Sure but my sister Dawn needs to be able to come too" she says.
I look at Alyssa hopefully and she reluctantly agrees to allow them both to come.
We walk from the court to Alyssa's house. Once we arrive we all walk up Alyssa's porch steps and walk inside to her room. It's clean today which is nice.
"You're room is really small" Kim says rudely.
"Then why don't you go home" Alyssa snaps.
"Because we can't" Dawn says.
"Why not?" I ask.
"Because we ran away" Kim says.
"Oh my gosh do you have a place to live?" I ask feeling very concerned.
"No not exactly" Kim says.
"Can we stay with you, it might be fun" she says flirtatiously."
"Umm... I'll have to ask my mother" I say quietly.
"Well let's get a move on" Kim says.
"Okay well I guess we have to get going" I tell Alyssa softly. Then I give her a quick hug and I leave her house, Dawn and Kim follow behind me. The walk to my house doesn't take very long and we talk and get to know each other more too. We make it to my house and we go inside.
"Hey Ma we've got visitors" I call.
My mother walks into the living room with a glass of alcohol in her hand.
"Oh who are these pretty ladies?" my mother's says.
"Ma this is Dawn and Kim" I say introducing them.
"They need a place to stay ma, can they stay with us?" I ask.
"Oh sure they can be the daughters I've never had" my mother says as she smiles at Kim and Dawn.
What does she mean the daughters she's never had? That makes me feel really sad to hear, maybe she just doesn't love me that much.
My mother sees the hurt expression on my face and says "oh don't pout Marshall."
"I'm not" I say feeling slightly offended.
She just gives me a strange look, then she turns her attention to Kim and Dawn and starts asking them questions.
"So how old are you two?" she asks.
"We're thirteen" Kim tells her.
Wow, I thought they were older than me turns out that they're two years younger than me, huh.
"Why did you guys run away?" my mother questions.
"My father abuses me and my sister and my mother doesn't do anything about it" Kim says.
"Oh I'm so sorry that you have had to go through that" I say.
"Well Marshall you three are going to have to share a room" my mother says.
I feel weird I know we don't have a big house but my room is kind of like my escape and now I have to share it.
I take the girls into my room and they sit on my bed.
"Nice bed" Kim says.
"Thanks" I say with a small smile.
"I guess we get the bed right?" Kim asks.
"Umm... yeah I can sleep on my beanbag" I say.
"Is this a stuffed animal?" Kim says holding up my stuffed bear that I keep on my bed.
"Yeah that's my bear that my great aunt got me when I was little" I say happily.
"Oh, weird here take it" she says flinging it at me.
Luckily I catch it. I gently set it on my beanbag. After showing them around we eat waffles for dinner then we go to bed. I lay down on my beanbag and use a blanket to cover myself up, hopefully it'll keep me warm because it gets cold at night. I hold my bear close to my chest, I haven't slept with it for years but tonight I do. I wonder if letting them be here was the right thing to do.
No it is, they both are nice don't be selfish Marshall I think to myself.

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