The Homecoming Dance Part 2

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Marshall's P.O.V.

It's almost time for the dance, I'm already ready but Kim is still finishing her makeup. I decide to sit down at the kitchen table and wait. About five minutes go by and then finally I see her and she's gorgeous, I mean perfect, I don't know how else to describe her beauty.

"What do you think?" she asks while smiling at me.

"You're- you're- you're beautiful" I stutter.

She laughs at my lack of words.

I clear my throat nervously "well we should probably get going."

I reach out to take Kim's hand and she gladly accepts mine.

Alyssa's P.O.V.

I'm sitting in the back seat of De'angelo's car trying not to pout, we're on our way to the dance, and I'm not happy.

"Yo Aly I still don't see why you don't want to sit up front with me" he chuckles patting the seat next to him.

I sigh, "De'angelo I'm only going to this dance with you because Aimee made me."

"Yo, don't you give me attitude girl" he snaps.

After that there's only silence for the rest of the drive.

Marshall's P.O.V.

My mother pulls up to the front of the high school, "have a great time" she says cheerfully.

Kim starts to open her car door but I stop her.

"Wait I have to get the door for you" I tell her quickly opening my door and rushing around to the other side of the car to open hers.

"Thanks Marshall" she says as she steps out of the car. Once again I take her beautiful hand into mine and out of the corner of my eye I see my mother smiling at us, or maybe she was only smiling Kim.

We walk inside the school gym and I'm actually amazed at what I see, the school really did a great job decorating. There's lots of colorful lights, streamers, and even a giant disco ball. As I'm observing the room I hear my name being called.


"Hey Marshall!"

I look away from the lights and I see Alyssa, I start to smile until I see De'angelo gripping Alyssa's right arm, it kind of looks painful.

"Hey Alyssa" I say as a gently lead Kim towards them.

"Kim you look lovely" Alyssa compliments her.

"Thanks Alyssa, you too" Kim replies smiling slightly.

I look away from Alyssa and I see De'angelo towering over me with a big scowl on his face.

"What are you looking at dimwit?" he snarls.

"Hey don't talk to him like that" Alyssa snaps.

Suddenly I hear a loud smack and I realize that De'angelo smacked Alyssa. Kim gasps and everyone in the gym is suddenly silent. I feel so much anger inside of me right now, you don't hit girls especially not my best friend.

"Kim take Alyssa and go outside the school" I say as I kiss her cheek.

Alyssa pulls away from De'angelo and runs outside the school with Kim.

"Oooh Marshall Mathers is mad" De'angelo says tauntingly.

It's now or never Marshall I think to myself. I ball up my fist and swing, I make contact directly with his nose and it starts to bleed, bad. Suddenly he picks me up by my neck.

"You're going to get it now Mathers."

I close my eyes knowing I'm about to get beat real bad when suddenly I'm on the ground, safely. I open my eyes and I see that the principal stopped De'angelo from hurting me. I turn and quickly run out of the school to find Alyssa and Kim. Once I get outside I see Kim trying to comfort Alyssa.

"Are you guys okay?" I ask.

"Yeah we're okay I just think Alyssa needs some ice" Kim says.

"I hate to say this but I think we should go home" I say feeling disappointed.

"Hey I have an idea" Alyssa says.

"What's that?" I ask curiously.

"We should just have our own homecoming at the basketball court, I mean I know it's not as special but-"

"No we can do that" Kim says.

"Yeah" I say in agreement.

We turn to start walking away to walk to the basketball when we hear Aimee yell "wait!"

Alyssa turns around "what's wrong Aimee?"

"Are you really leaving?"

"Yeah, did you not see what happened?"

"Well yeah I did, but you have to stay I haven't got my crown yet."

I can't believe Aimee just said that to Alyssa, she's so selfish.

"Come on Alyssa let's go" I say and we turn and walk away.

Eventually we get to the court. It's really dark outside the only light is from the shimmering stars, I guess they can be our lights and our disco ball. Now we can truly dance.

I turn to Kim and stick out my hand "may I have this dance?"

"Sure" she replies blushing.

We dance and I twirl her around but I feel bad because Alyssa doesn't have anyone to dance with so I dance with her too. When we finish dancing we lay down on the court and gaze up at the stars.

"I'm sorry it didn't work out tonight guys" I say.

"No this was much better than being at that dance" Alyssa says.

"Yeah and I had a great time with you Marshall" Kim says.

Then something happens that I didn't expect Kim leans over and kisses my lips then she lays her head on my chest and closes her eyes. I glance over at Alyssa feeling shocked and she just smiles. Then she gets up "have fun you two" she whispers and walks off.

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