Chapter 1: Red Fox (Carter Edwards III)

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Chapter 1: Red Fox (Carter Edwards III)

Do you hate school? You might, but I hate it more. I had to attend RFPA or Red Fox Political Academy. I, Carter Edwards III, was next in line to become the leader of the United People of Georgia. There is just one problem. I don't want to become the leader. I want to search and explore. I've tried to bring this up with my father, but he never understands. For now I was stuck in my button up shirt and khakis. The bell rang to let out class. I had to meet my friend, Brad, to work on our project for school. I walked to the Burger Queen on 5th Avenue. According to history books, it used to be called Burger King. Now a lady took the business over. I walked inside and ordered a cola. Brad, as usual, was late.

"Hey Brad," I said.

"Sorry I'm late," he said.

"No problem," I replied.

I pulled out our project rubric. The project was to create a problem with our government and figure out how to fix it. We brainstormed until Burger Queen closed. I hated school.

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