Chapter 3: Newark-Trenton (Carter Edwards III)

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Chapter 3: Newark-Trenton (Carter Edwards III)

I accepted the video chat request and came face to face with my enemy. The murderer King Joel Hixon of the Southern Republic was right in front of me. I stared into those dark, cold eyes. He looked at me shocked.

"Hello, your majesty," I said sarcastically.

The video chat ended. He was still a coward.

"Lock and load. We're out of here at 0300," I said to the general.

He grinned and walked away. I rested up for battle.

I woke up before the sun. I walked into the loading area. I took a rifle off the rack. I climbed into the head truck. We drove in silence to the edge of the city. The gates were closed. Most of the guards were asleep. We stood on the road. "For the New Frontier," I shouted. Guns blazing, we ran to the gates.

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