Chapter 13: Near Columbus D.C. (Carter Edwards)

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Chapter 13: Near Columbus D.C. (Carter Edwards)

The crash was insane. The cars were hanging over a steep mountain drop.

"Brad, you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah," he replied.

I pulled myself up the now vertical train car. I popped the door and stood on the wall. I helped Brad up. The wall had a door in the side, and I pushed it open. We jumped out and fell onto the side of the hill. We tried going up, but the hill was to steep. We slid down into the woods below. We followed the train track trying to find a way up to it. It just kept getting higher. Eventually, sunset came. We started a fire.

"Get some sleep. I'll take first watch," I said to Brad.

He replied, "Thanks."

Brad never talked much anymore. I remember when he used to talk so much I couldn't get him to be quite. That was before the Red Fox Division War. Both his parents voluteered. His dad volunteered as a solider and his mom a nurse. Both were killed. The war was won and we took Columbus into the Red Fox Division. But, Brad never talked much after that. He was like great-great-great grandpa Carter. He lost his family. Brad was my family, and I had to protect him.

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