September 4th - Jaime

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September 4th, 2011.

Dear Bluebird,

Girl, bye. (Queue finger snap in z-formation here.)

I’m not in denial, and I sure as hell don’t want to “drop the soap for Vic”! You say I’m the kinky one… Hah! That’s my girl. I smiled a bit too wide when I got your letter today, and the band gave me some weird looks, too. Who cares! <3

YES! I win! Victory is Hime-Time’s! I’ll send the money when the time comes, my dear, as requested. The guys also plan to get you something; don’t sweat it. It’s just something small like that stupid fucking bear you named ‘Vinny.’ (It should be Alberto/Bertie, in my opinion.)

Alrighty then! Next year, it’s set; PTV takes over the Jones apartment to ring in 2015!


Lots of love, the person who thinks the fucking bear should be named ‘Bertie,’


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