October 11th - Jaime

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October 11th, 2011.

Dear Bluebird,

I have a surprise for you! From now on, send your letters to the address on the sticky note that I sent with the letter. While I’m on tour, the letters you send will go straight to the bus! It’s weird, but… Somehow, I got this to work out. It only cost me a “date” with the clerk behind the counter. He isn’t that cute (to me, obviously) either.

Fine, fine; you’re not scary! … Wait. You do write fan fiction! Lily Anne Jones! (Facebook works like a charm. :P) Bad girl! That’s just disturbing. I love you and all, Lils, but seriously… you don’t write Fuenciado fan fiction, do you? Nothing that pertains to me in any way possible, right?

You are one sick bitch, Lily. You are sick. I’d never! I make love, not just have sex, for your information. >:| I’m always in the loop! Gosh, you don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m not a ‘kid’ either! Sure, I act like one sometimes (all the time), but do I look like a kid? No!

Alright, I’ll try. Not very hard, but I’ll try. They won’t listen; I’ll warn you right now. Don’t be surprised if my “trying” doesn’t work. :) Don’t tell anyone I said this; don’t show this letter to anyone; nothing like that, okay? I… I think you’re more important to me than Jess is. She may be my girlfriend, but you’re my best friend. Bros (and best friends) before hoes (and girlfriends). :P <3

I know, right? Vic’s usually a clean freak, too. I told Tony our theory, and he started freaking out. He yelled at Mike with a clearly disturbed and grossed-out expression. I died laughing, and Vic was totally confused. He had to restrain Tony from kicking Mike’s face in. Mike’s face was priceless because of Tone’s outburst. I’m still laughing at the memory.


Lots of love, your Facebook-stalker (among other things, now),


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