September 15th - Jaime

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September 15th, 2011.

Dear Bluebird,

I did just sass the sass master (next to Gerard and Mikey). What chu’ gonna’ do ‘bout it?!

I’m not as kinky as you are, Lils. My jokes aren’t that kinky. What you say is really kinky, though. That remark about “dropping the soap for Vic” was the kinkiest thing I’ve ever heard. (On a side note, Vic asked me if I could pick up a pillow for him, and I got spanked. He wants me. Gross.)

Oh well, deary! They don’t give a fuck what you say. The guys are very persistent. They don’t listen very well, either. Don’t even try to argue. It’s not even anything expensive, either! Just a little gift from them to you. Don’t stress about it, okay? <3

I sure hope so! I don’t want to stay in a pig sty. That’s what I do already when I stay with Vic and Mike. Especially in Mike’s room; it’s disgusting in there. I shake every time I go near the door. (Queue over-dramatic shudder here.)


Sending my love, your semi-over-dramatic Mexican delicacy,


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