You Can't Do This!

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Nina's POV

It's been a few days since me and Eddie kissed.

I haven't talked him, how could I?

He kissed me- his best friends girlfriend- while Fabian is lying unconscious in a hospital bed...

School was hell without Fabian.

Parties were hell without Fabian.

Life was hell without Fabian.

"Nina? Hello?" Amber waved her hand in front of my face

"Sorry, what were you saying?" I replied, snapping out of my thoughts

"You should come shopping with me and the girls..." Amber said

"I-I don't know..." I replied, fiddling with my sleeves on my t-shirt

"Nina, come on! You need to socialise...please? For me?" Amber pleaded

"Fine" I sighed

We finished our beverages and left the the small cafe on campus and headed towards our dorm room.

Amber said she'd meet me back at the room and I nodded before walking into the elevator and watched Amber walk out of the building and towards an area where Alfie and Jerome would normally hang out, before the elevator door closed...

I shook my head and waited for the elevator to stop on my floor and stepped out, taking the apartment door keys out of my brown side bag and fiddling with them before putting them into the door-


I turned around, mid-way through opening the door, to see Eddie standing in front of me. I sighed and looked down before Eddie continued:

"I-I wanted to talk...a-about the other day...o-our kiss?"

"Eddie, I-I don't want to talk about that. That was a mistake....i-it was wrong." I replied with attitude

"Then let me talk, ok?" Eddie asked

I thought about it for a moment before nodding my head and continuing into my room, Eddie following close behind.

I sat on my bed and Eddie went to sit next to me but I stopped him:

"No" I bluntly said

"Ok" Eddie huffed before grabbing a stool from the little kitchen area and sat in front of me before fiddling with his hands while I sat, legs crossed, on my bed also fiddling with my hands and looking at my lap...

"Nina, the kiss- our kiss- that was something special! You can't deny that!" Eddie started

I frowned in response as he continued:

"Look, I know that things have been...different...since what happened to Fabian a-and I know you're still in love with him but maybe you should give us a chance!"

I was shocked.

What the fuck was Eddie playing at?!

I shook my head, laughed breathlessly and frowned at him. Finally making eye contact with the boy...

"Eddie, I don't know what you're playing at but this needs to stop. You're insane if you think me and you can be together...I- you- Fabian! Ugh what the fuck?" I finished

I pushed my hair out of my face and pinched the bridge of my nose before huffing in frustration and telling Eddie to leave...

"Nina, wait-" Eddie tried

"-No!" I interrupted

"J-Just go. Get out...." I continued

He sat there for a few moments before sighing, nodding and standing up forcefully.

"Fine- ok, yeah..." Eddie muttered as I opened the dorm room door, trying to usher him out

"You can't do this, Nina. I'm still around, I'm always around. I've known you since high school!" Eddie exclaimed as he stood outside my door after I slammed it in his face

"You can't do this! You should just forget about him! He's gone, Nina! Do you hear me?! Gone" Eddie finished

I stood with my back to the door as he shouted at me. Once he finished shouting I slid down the door and sobbed into my knees for a few hours until Amber came back and comforted me...

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