"The Monsters In My Head Are Scared Of Love"

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I opened the door and was greeted by Fabian.

He stood with his one hand clutching the strap of his backpack and his other hand was in his black jean pocket.

"So the assignment is about love or loss...great..." I mumbled as I pulled out the homework sheet from my bag as we both sat on the floor of my room

Fabian nodded and we started researching different poets and poems until we got bored...

"I can't! Poetry is so boring!" I groaned and let myself fall backwards onto a pillow

Fabian chuckled and lay down next to me and we both just stared up at the ceiling, in silence.

"Nina, w-we ca-n-n write o-our own p-poems" Fabian stated, turning his head to look at me

"I know" I nodded in response

"W-Why don't we?" He questioned

"I don't know, we can if you want?" I said, now sitting up

He nodded and I pulled out my laptop and started scrolling through my music until I found a decent playlist to play while we worked...

(A/N: Diplo - Revolution (Unlike Pluto Remix)

Fabian chuckled lightly as the song played and I frowned towards him...

"What?" I asked, scribbling a few notes down on my pad

"Good song" He stated with a small smile

"What? You think I'd play some crappy song from the Top 40's List?" I questioned with a smirk

"No, I-I've known y-you long e-enough t-to know that's n-not your s-style" Fabian stated, writing things down on his notepad

"Yeah" I replied, looking down and fiddling with my pen

"It doesn't h-have to be a-awkward" Fabian then said after a few moments of awkward silence

"It's not, I was just...thinking..." I sighed, forcing a smile

"A-About?" Fabian pushed

"You, me, us...ya'know?"

By now we had both stopped writing and we're looking each other directly in the face.

I could tell he was nervous, his lip quivered slightly as he began to talk...

"O-Oh..." Was all that came out

"...Yeah..." I muttered, trying to fill the awkward silence with some sound

It seemed like no music was playing and the whole world had stopped, in the one moment.

"Fuck it" I huffed before saying:

"Everything you said when we were in detention the other day, did you mean it? A-Are we never getting back together? O-Or were you just acting out?" I finished

"N-Nina, I-I'm not-not ready f-for a r-relationship...I-I don't think I-I was before e-either...." Fabian replied

"...B-But that d-doesn't mean I-I don't want us...." He continued

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