The 'Truth' Comes Out.

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___Time Laps___

"It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. That thou, her maid, art far more fair than she. . . . That birds would sing and think it were not night." I quoted as I read from my laptop

"What are you doing?" Amber snickered as she sat next to me on my bed

"Researching for my English presentation that is due in two weeks and I'm presenting with none other than Fabian James Rutter....could my life get any worse?" I huffed as I scribbled down some notes before scrolling through Google once more

"You're doing an English presentation with Fabian? The British ex boyfriend who officially can't speak?" Amber asked

"He can small sentences" I replied

"Well, did you ask for a new partner?" Amber asked

"No, I thought I'd let myself fall back into my depressing state." I said, dripping sarcasm

"Yes, Amber. And my teacher said she paired us together for a reason...whatever that means" I then added

"What a bitch" Amber said before sipping her tea

"Tell me about it" I sighed again

"So, why were you reading Shakespeare?" Amber then asked

"The presentation is about love or loss- in the form of a poem." I replied

"Ah ok" Amber nodded

"Love or loss....that's something we're both pretty common with" Amber commented

I just laughed and she left the dorm room moments later to meet up with Alfie.

___Time Laps___


I frowned as Patricia's icon flashed on my screen:

Patricia: We need to talk. Now.

I went to reply when a knock on the dorm room door interrupted me.

I got up from my bed and walked out of my room and opened the dorm room door and was greeted my Patricia.

She had her arms folded across her chest and wore a blank expression on her face as I invited her in...

"Umm....s-so what uh...what did-" I went to ask

"I want to know the full story of what happened between you and Eddie. He's told me what he thinks is the truth and now I want to hear your truth." Patricia interrupted

"Umm...o-ok" I nodded

I stood in front of her as she sat on the couch. I fiddled with my fingers and messed around with my hair before gathering my thoughts and telling her the story....

___Time Laps___

"So he set everything up?" She asked as I finished

"Y-Yeah....well, I don't know if he meant for it to play out the way it did...with the car accident and everything but y-yeah" I answered

"Okay." Patricia nodded in response before standing up

I stood up too and she started heading for the door.

"Wait! S-So what now?" I asked

She turned around and looked towards the floor before replying:

"Nina, you and Eddie both gave me two different stories. I-I don't know who to believe! I've known you guys since the start of college...and you two were friends even before that! I-I don't know if you two have a history of dating or have a summer fling every now and then but I don't want to be in the middle of a love triangle. So, if you and Eddie are together then...then I'm h-happy for you" Patricia faked a smile

"Patricia! Wait! What did he say to you?" I asked, stepping closer to her

"His story was that while me and him were 'on a break' you would text him- sext him- and he would ignore you. He even showed me messages....then when you and Fabian broke up and the car accident happened you invited him over to have sex and he wouldn't so you made him agree to have a friends with benefits relationship....that part I don't know if I believe but the first part I-I just can't shake..." She gulped, shaking her head

"Show me the messages" I demanded

She pulled out her phone and started scrolling through her camera roll...

"Here. I took a picture of them because I knew I was coming to you after I spoke with Eddie..." She said before showing me the texts:

Nina: Eddie I'm lonely! Come over and give me a massage...? ;)

Eddie: You have to stop.

Nina: No, you like it, I can tell. You're just resisting bc you and Patty are still together. Am I right?

Eddie: What? I don't like you like that! I love Patricia. I always will.

Nina: Maybe I can change that...;)

"Okay, let me stop you there. When have I ever called you Patty?" I questioned after reading the texts


"I don't call you that! I never have! Ever! Not even when I'm drunk do I call you that!" I interrupted

"Yeah, sure! But the rest seems like you" Patricia snapped

"I didn't send these. You can check my phone, check my Facebook, my Twitter, my Email, everything! I haven't texted Eddie since- wait..." I stopped mid-sentence

I quickly grabbed my phone and started scrolling through my messages until I found what I was looking for....

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