Suspect, Not Murderer.

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Nina's POV

I woke up, my head pounding and my memory a little hazy until everything came flooding back all at once.

"D-Did that really happen?" I managed as I sat up from my bed

"Yeah...all the time I've known him I never thought he'd do sinister!" Fabian replied from my desk chair, opposite me.

I sighed before sitting up as Fabian handed me a glass of water and a pain killer.

I took it great fully and after swallowing the pills I stood up and grabbed my phone from Fabian's lap.

"Amber called while you were...out. She wanted to know if you were okay because you weren't answering her texts...I answered and told her what happened." Fabian said as I was taking the phone from him.

"Okay, thanks, Fabian." I smiled at him

"No problem." He shrugged with a small smile

I texted Amber and Patricia back giving a brief explanation of what happened and they replied with hearts and somewhat comforting replies.

___Time Laps___

"Do you want to go get something to eat?" Fabian asked after an hour or two of us listening to music and talking about anything other than Eddie.

"Y-Yeah, sounds good." I nodded grabbing my brown leather jacket

"Is this a date or can I invite Patricia?" I questioned, turning around and smirking at Fabian.

"Well, I was thinking that the burger bar would be a great date night idea but you can go ahead and ruin it..." Fabian smirked back with a joking tone and sarcasm present in his voice.

"Ha ha very funny." I shook my head and texted Patricia to meet us there.

She agreed and we headed out.

___Time Laps___

"So, what's up? How are you?" Patricia greeted us as we sat opposite her in the booth of the burger bar.

"Good...I guess." I answered her second question.

"What do you guys think is going on with Eddie lately?" Patricia then asked, sipping her coke afterwards.

"-Patricia, you can't just spring a question like that....especially not after what Nina went through...." Fabian interrupted before I could start.

"Fabes, it's okay." I smiled towards the brunette and then towards Patricia before continuing:

"I don't know to be completely honest with you. It's so unlike him....I've known him since high school and not once did he behave like's so bizarre!" I shook my head and took some fries.

"Yeah I know. He didn't seem to have any emotions in him when we first met that would justify his actions lately..." Fabian commented.

"What about you, Patricia? I thought you two were working things out...?" I questioned.

"We were but I don't think I could ever go back to him- not like it use to be anyway. Everything's been so out of whack." Patricia shook her head before sipping her drink and eating some fries.

"Yeah, I know what you mean." I responded.

"I still can't get my head around could he do something like that? I-It's so crazy to me! I don't know..." Patricia huffed before playing with her food slightly.

"Well, we don't know if he actually did it. He's a suspect not the actual murderer." Fabian tried comforting us.

"I suppose so..." I replied with a sigh.

We carried on eating and talking about whatever until we finished and all headed back to our dorm rooms...

House Of Anubis: The College Experience.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя