An Unlikely Duo.

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"How was therapy- god I hate calling it that." Fabian asked, looking up from his book, as I walked into his apartment.

"It's okay. That's what it is. It went good....I guess. I kind of snapped at her..." I replied sitting next to him on his bed and resting my head on his broad shoulder.

"Well, I'm sure Daphne took it fine. She was trained for that sort of thing." Fabian commented with a little laugh.

"Yeah, I just feel bad. I hate snapping at her but it's like everything she says makes me angry..." I frowned and huffed to myself from Fabian's shoulder.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"She asks 'how does that make you feel?' and common questions that I here all the time: 'how are you?' 'How are you coping with everything?' 'Are you okay?' Blah blah blah" I huffed again.

Fabian just laughed in response.

"What'd you reading?" I then asked, taking the book that was now lying face down on his left leg.

"Of Mice And Men." Fabian replied as the title came into my view.

"Any good?"

"Not really." Fabian laughed again.

I laughed too and we continued to cuddle and talk about life...

___Time Laps___

After spending most of my night with Fabian I decided to head back to mine and Ambers dorm room to head to bed.

"Hey, where have you been?" Amber asked as I entered the bathroom, next to her bedroom area.

"After therapy I decided to see Fabian." I replied, splashing some water on my face then drying it before quickly brushing my teeth and brushing out my hair.

"Ah okay." I heard Amber reply.

"Did you think I was kidnapped or something?" I teased.

"No, I was just wondering where you were because I wanted to watch The Notebook with my bestie...but you had other plans so that's fine." Amber replied.

"Sorry, Ambs." I said as I stood in her doorway.

"It's okay." Amber smiled at me.

I smiled back and we said goodnight to each other before I slipped into my pyjamas and collapsed on my bed then drifting off to sleep...

___Time Laps___

A few weeks pasted after everything with Eddie and everyone- other than us- was acting normal. It was like Eddie was never here.

It was wrong.

"Did you guys here the news?" Alfie said as he munched on an apple during our break time.

"What news?" Fabian replied.

"We're getting a new student. He's going to be rooming with you, dude." Alfie replied, referring to Fabian.

"W-What? Why?" Fabian stammered.

Jerome, Amber and Patricia gave him a weird look while I just frowned.

"I-I mean so soon after Eddie left? It's only been a few weeks? H-His stuff isn't even fully gone yet..." Fabian corrected himself.

"Well this is a college. And it is that time of year again we're new students start popping up a few weeks late." Jerome said.

"Yeah, I have some good memories from new students arriving." Amber nodded in a daze.

Alfie looked offended in response but Amber would never cheat on him. He loves her too much and she loves the attention she gets from him.

An unlikely duo.

Me and Patricia laughed, being the only ones that noticed Alfie's look towards Amber and we carried on eating our food until the bell rang, signalling third period.

Me and Patricia laughed, being the only ones that noticed Alfie's look towards Amber and we carried on eating our food until the bell rang, signalling third period

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