Playing The Blame Game.

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"H-He used d-drugs....t-to kill his own parents?!?!" I managed in a state of shock.

"Yeah." Fabian mumbled.

I felt my stomach ache and I ran to the nearest bathroom, Patricia and Fabian on my tail.

I just about made it to the toilet before letting go of breakfast, Patricia holding my hair as I did my business...

"You okay?" She asked after I stopped and grabbed some toilet paper to wipe my mouth.

"Y-Yeah." I closed my eyes and shook my head, cleaning my thoughts, before standing back up and walking out of the cubicle and to the sinks.

I placed my hands under the cold water and cupped some water into my mouth to get rid of the acid-y taste in my mouth then gave a weak smile towards Patricia.

"Nina? A-Are you okay?" Fabian asked from outside the exit.

"Yeah...I-I'm fine." I replied.

We headed out and Fabian hugged me before we headed to our next class before lunch....

___Time Laps___

After class me and Fabian walked into the cafeteria and sat down at our usual table and waited for Patricia and Jerome to arrive- not that I wanted Jerome to join us.

Patricia walked in as I was sipping my orange juice and sat down next to me on the circular table before greeting both of us and we continued talking....

"Guys!" Jerome exclaimed, out of breathe.

"What happened, Jerome. You seem....nervous?" Fabian questioned.

"It's Derek. He-He found out about what Eddie did to his parents and that you two are back together. He's furious." Jerome breathed.

"Wait- why is Derek mad about Eddie killing his own parents?" Patricia asked.

"Apparently, in middle school and then until they were 15, Eddie and Derek used to be best friends." Jerome explained, sitting down opposite us.

"Oh my god." I sighed, shocked.

"Y-You guys should probably leave." Jerome then said as we all silent for a few moments.

"No." Fabian stated.

I looked up and turned my head to my right to face him before saying:


"No. I'm tired of running. I ran from you, Derek and Eddie and I'm done. No more running." Fabian sat up straight, exposing his toned chest and shoulders, making me smile lightly.

"This is Derek we're talking about. Ya'know, the guy that could've killed you if we let him. Have you forgotten that?" Jerome asked.

"I know- and I'm not going to fight him. He could probably beat the shit out of me if I let him and he's only Mr. Macho in front of his friends anyway. So I just need to talk to him...when he's alone...or something." Fabian frowned as he finished.

"Which is when?" Patricia asked.

"I-I don't know." Fabian muttered.

Just as Fabian finished talking Derek walked in and started scanning the cafeteria for me and Fabian.

One of his friends patted him on the shoulder before pointing over to us and I felt my heart sink. He had the biggest smirk I'd ever seen on his face.

I clenched my jaw as he strutted over, Jerome moving next to Patricia as the group of boys made their way closer.

"Numbers of dropped in your little group I see?" He grinned at me.

"Unlike your balls." Patricia spat.

I snorted and Fabian cleared his throat, trying to cover the fact that he wanted to burst out laughing as Derek turned towards her.

"That's funny. I bet Eddie's dropped years ago, that's why he was man enough to murder his own parents. Is that right?" Derek smirked again.

The five boys that stood behind him all laughed and I saw Patricia clench her hands into fists.

Even though she might hate Eddie, she still cared for him.

"That's cute." Jerome commented, shaking his head.

"Why's that, Clarke?" Derek questioned with a snug look.

"Just that you play the blame game and taunt us with things that we might of or might of not done but I bet you've got some pretty dark and nasty secrets yourself, huh?" Jerome glared up at the boy.

"Shut you're damn mouth!" Derek hissed.

"Or what? You going to hit me? Like you did to Fabian? Because you best make it so I can't stand back up or I'll drop you on your ass faster than you can drop a load into a girl...or guy." Jerome said, standing up, towering over Derek by at least 4 inches.

"You son of bitch!" Derek spat before throwing his fist towards Jerome face.

Jerome ducked and faster than I could blink he smashed Derek in the face, knocking him to the floor almost instantly.

Derek's friends all looked at Jerome in shock and me, Fabian and Patricia sat with little grins on our faces.

"Fuck off." Jerome spat towards the five boys who were still standing with their mouths open and eyes wide.

They went away, leaving Derek lying on the floor clutching his eye from where Jerome punched him.

"Jerome, I think I like you again." I smiled at the boy.

He just laughed and then turned towards Fabian before saying:

"He's alone now."

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