Chapter 22

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"Not gonna lie that was pretty bomb how Lauren broke in to save me" I said laughing.

"It was savage as fuck" Normani said.

"Pimp daddy Laur" I said and we all burst out laughing.

"Yo have no idea how happy we are to have you back" Camila said smiling.

"If you would've been gone any longer Ally would've turned into you, swear she was catching the ratchet disease" Troy said making us all laugh.

"Imagine a ratchet Ally patting her weave looking for a bible and holy water while smacking her gum" I said dying laughing.

"Oh fuck no" Nicolle said laughing.

"Oh lord" Lauren said laughing.

"Jesus gone get you" Ally said.

"We know" I said trying not to sing.

"I see you fighting it" Dinah said making me laugh.

"Shut up Dinahsaur" I said hugging her. I miss this giant so much.

"Aw my ship" Normani cooed.

"When your girlfriend is Diaminah strong" Dinah said laughing and hugging me tight making me sit ik her lap.

"Same" i said pointing at a fangirling Lauren.

"Diamond, did you just pee in my fucking lap" Dinah said glaring at me.

"No what the hell" I said laughing then I felt a sharp pain in my side and patted my lap with wide eyes. "My fucking water broke."

"Code blue bitch" Demi yelled.

"Get my holy oil, so I can bless the new demon" Ally yelled making us all look at her like "this bitch on drugs."

"I got to go NOW" I said yelling now in a satanic voice like I was possessed.

"Not today Satan" Dinah said handing me to Lauren.

"This is why I need my holy oil" Ally yelled.

"Ally shut yo short midget ass up about the damn oil. We don't give a damn, I just want this thing out of me" I yelled glaring at her.

"Jesus this shit hurt" Nicolle yelled laying on the floor in a fetus position or as close to one as she could get with that damn baby bump.

"We know" me, Ariana, and Selena yelled.

"Oh fuck no, they all going into labor at the same time" Normani yelled.

"Jesus fix it" Ally yelled.

"Jesus gone need to fix all y'all damn faces if I'm not in the hospital before I give birth to this little girl in my damn living room" I yelled in a manly/satanic voice.

"Somebody get this damn girl in the car" Justin yelled.

"Somebody get Bianca" Lauren yelled.

"Take me to the fucking car" Me, Nicolle, Selena, and Ariana yelled.

"Okay damn" Zayn, Lauren, Justin, and Carter yelled.

"Carter I hope you get hit by a bus on the way there" I yelled while Lauren carried me to the car.

"Meet is there" Lauren yelled hopping in the car after me and driving off.


"Okay Diamond push" the doctor yelled.

"Fuck you think I'm doing baking cookies, you want chocolate chip or oatmeal" I said rolling my eyes and pushing.

"They should've given you epidural" Lauren said.

"Fuck no, ain't nobody shooting me in my fucking spine" I yelled pushing again and squeezing her hand even tighter.

"One more, I see the head" the doctor yelled.

"Last one" Lauren said kissing my forehead.

"I know Lauren I can fucking hear" I growled giving one lady push.

"Congratulations on your healthy baby girl" the doctor said as the room filled with my little girls cries.

"You did it babe" Lauren said pecking my lips.

"I'm fucking tired and I need a blunt" I said groaning.

"I bet you happy you can smoke again" my mom said coming in the room.

"Hell yeah" I said smiling.

"And drink" my dad added.

"And turn the fuck up" I yelled.

"Tone it down and take a nap" my mom said laughing.

"Wait what's the babies name" the doctor asked.

"Aria Malia Lydia Emily Jauregui Carter" Lauren said for me.

"Thanks Babe" I said smiling at her.

"No problem now get some rest" she said kissing my forehead. Right after she said that ain't my eyes shut I was in a deep sleep.

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