chapter 14

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I saw my baes my best friends from Miami. I really did miss my girls i just never realized how much until this exact moment. It was my squad Michelle, Analyse, Ashley, Jennifer, Lulu or Luli it don't matter, and the last person I wanted to see other then my over obsessing ex's can you guess who it is..times up its destanee. Im gonna be nice since she's my 'sister'.

"Twerk team assemble" Nicolle yelled.

"What is forehead doing here" Selena asked.

"I don't want her here but she's my 'little sister' and I have to be the bigger person and say bitch if you try anything imma slit yo throat" I said glaring daggers at my 'sister'.

"All right what ever you say ms boss bitch" destanee says rolling her eyes.

"Roll your fucking eyes again and I will rip them out their fucking sockets and shove them so far up your ass you won't be able to shit for 6 years" I threaten growling. Sometimes I think I'm a werewolf because I have really weird habits and abilities.

"Damn you nicer then usual what's up" Lulu said shocked.

"I'm fucking pregnant and I have an unwanted little sister and it ain't ivy I fucking love her I'm glad she's my half sister I wish this alien looking bitch was adopted and not blood related." damn I thought I was gonna be nice. Oh well.

"Okay alright I can fix this" Edward said.

"And how exactly will you do that sir" I ask. Sorry for being curious I really hate surprises.

"Like this girls come in" he yelled.

"Ahhhhh" I screamed like one of my jewels (A/N: I had no idea what to call her fans and since her name is diamond I went with jewels.)

"Hey bitch" the one and only Paula yelled. I don't really like her all that much but she's fun to be around.

"Paula" I yelled hugging her.

"Damn I guess you're not all that excited to see your big sister" a familiar voice said. Obviously it was Bianca she's my only big sister hopefully.

"B" I yelled jumping on her. What can I say I really love my big sister.

"Hey Skittles" she said kissing the top of my head. Oh how I missed my big sister now I see how Baby Blue felt.

"Damn I didn't get that much love and I'm your best friend" Lulu said.

"But she's my big sister by like 2 years" I said laughing at that last part.

"I like your hair now your nickname makes more since" Bianca said touching my hair. (A/N: pic of her hair on the side or top or where the hell ever.)

"I was thinking the same thing" destanee said. I mimicked her in a high pitched annoying voice.

"Hey be nice now I know what she's done to you but she's 16 and you are 19. You are a grown ass women Skittles so please stop it honey" Bianca scolded.

"okay B, but under one condition" I said.

"And what is that little one" she asked.

"You have to participate in our fun tonight and stop talking to me like I'm baby blue" I said smirking.

"Okay what ever now let's go get in the pool" she agreed.

"Yeet" Jennifer yelled.

"Wait who's moving in and who's taking they happy asses back to Miami next week" Nicolle asked.

"Me, Paula, Ashley, and Destanee are moving in the rest are going home" Bianca answered.

"Swag now let's go get in the pool" I yelled.

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