chapter 8

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Nicolle's POV

"A nigga hungry like what the fuck" I yelled "if I don't get no food in 30 minutes imma cut a bitch."

"Babe calm down" Justin told me.

"no im not gonna calm down bitch" I yelled back. Next thing I know im crying.

"babe I am so sorry im so so sorry what did I do to hurt you" Justin apologized "whatever I did im sorry."

"No bae its okay" I said smiling. What the fuck is wrong with me first im mad then im crying now im happy WTF.

"babe those pregnancy hormones are starting to kick your ass" Justin laughs.

"shut up" I said kissing him.

"Mr. Styles" the doctor yelles.

"Please call me Harry" Harry corrected.

"okay Harry your girlfriend is doing fine and she should be out in a second" he tells Harry.

"how about the baby" Harry asked the million dollar question.

"she is fine" he said walking away.

"wait its a girl" Harry said "im going to have a baby girl!"

"Congrats" Justin told Harry.

"oh p.s. its time to get a gun" I told him "Girls can be wild you should know that I mean you did date Miley."

"We just wanna have fun" Danielle said walking up to us.

"true" I agreed.

Diamond's POV

  I herd a car door slam outside "they're back" I yelled.

Justin and Harry came through the door dancing and singing its a girl.

"You having a girl" we all screamed.

"YASSSS" Danielle yelled.

"What are you gonna name her" I asked.

"Nigga I don't know" Danielle said.

"How about Nicole" Nicolle said "but with one L."

"Bonnie" Selena said.

"Nigga this ain't no Vampire Diaries" I laughed "but how about Elaina?"

"I like that Elaina Daniela Nicole Styles" Harry said with a big smile.

"Good job Diamond you should name everybodys baby" Nicolle yelled.

"Danielle I have known you since High school and I knew right then and there that I would make you mine but instead I hit it and quit it and that was the biggest mistake in my life well that and Miley" Harry said getting down on one knee pulling out a red velvet box "Danielle will you marry me?"

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