Everfree Forest

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Twilight's POV

I cantered to see Princess Celestia. Once I finally saw the tall majestic white mare, she faced me, as if she were expecting me.

"I...I'm sorry but my friends-" I got cut off. "It's fine, Twilight," she nodded. "It'll be very dangerous but you must go in yourself," the white alicorn informed.

I was speechless. How?

"But..." I trailed off. "I suppose, if you must, you can bring some other pony with you," she nodded looking out a window.

"But who?"

"As I stated, anypony. A guard perhaps,"

"I volunteer!" a sudden voice appeared. I looked behind me.

"Flash?" I uttered. "It's settled then," Celestia nodded.

"But!" I argued. "Shh..." Flash rushed over to me, hugging me. "It's fine," he whispered. "But you're injured," I pointed to his hoof.

"It's fine."

"Now let's go," he let me go before heading to a certain direction.

Flash's POV

I can't believe I just did that...but it was worth it.

The alicorn followed me. "Where are we-" she asked but got cut off.

"Everfree Forest," I grinned taking a step out of the castle.

"But...we...we..." she stopped noticing I already started galloping. "Hey! Come back!" she called me before following.

We stopped once we saw the glowing forest right in front of us.

"You ready, princess?" I asked. "I..."

She looked afraid. She backed away. "No! No! No! That's not happening!" I pulled her closer.

"Come on! You could face so much! What's a forest?" I asked. She didn't answer. All she did was take a few steps away from me.

"It's not that...It's...It's..." she looked to her side rubbing her hoof.

"It's me isn't it?" I asked. "No, its not that."

"For the last time, I'll be alright!" I convinced her. "It's not that!" she screamed.

"Then, what is it?" I asked. "It's hard to explain," she replied.

"Just tell me."

"Well, this place gives me bad memories...and...and..." she trailed off. "And?"

"I don't feel comfortable going with you..." she sighed at the end of her sentence. "I'm sorry...I don't mean it in that way," she apologised.

"No, it's fine," I replied. "It's not you! It's...I just think you might get hurt and well... going with my friends would be better," she explained before saying, "I'm sorry," again.

"It's fine."

"But trust me, nothing bad is gonna happen," I assured her. "How do you know?" she asked.

"Come with me to find out," I grinned taking a few steps towards the dark creepy forest.

My Flashlight (A Flashlight Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora