Breathe Me (A Jc Caylen FanFiction)

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Hi guys, I'm new to this. This is my first fanfic sooo yay. c:


I'm Haven. I'm new to Los Angeles, California. Just moved here with my good friend Jessie (We've been friends since birth). I absolutely love it here, but the sad thing is.... We start school soon, as in, college. I'm so nervous. I can't even begin to explain. I mean, there's guys there.. Extremely attractive guys and they'll just ignore me for her anyway. Anyway, I'm nervous, but excited. We just moved into our three bedroom apartment and are getting settled in.

*Jessie's POV*

I'm super excited to be living with my girl! She's super sweet. Maybe now that we've left the crummy town of South Point, Ohio, she can finally open up and meet guys that aren't total dicks. Buuuuut, here we come college life.

"Babe, I'm excited we moved, but THIS IS RIDICULOUS!" I exclaim as I carry in four boxes that were taller than myself.

"I know, dude. It sucks." she laughs. "But hey. We get our own rooms and privacy. Our own rules. I love being here. It's gorgeous."

"I call the room with less windows. You know I hate light." I laugh as I carry the boxes up the wooden steps.

"Then it's the first on the left! And watch yourself there's----" she was cut off by me bashing my face on the giant beam in front of my face.

"What the fuck?!?!" I exclaim holding my head and dropping the boxes full of only half of my wardrobe.

"Beam.." Haven said suppressing a laugh.

"WHY IS THERE A BEAM IN THE MIDDLE OF MY ROOM?!?!" I yell, walking to the banister to look down onto the soon to be living room.

"The last people who lived here were weird, and they wanted a beam. Hell, I don't know!" Haven laughs.

*Haven's POV*

Jessie walks down the stairs slowly as she comes to sit on our little couch that we got off of Amazon. She's holding her head.

"Here babe, let me look at it." I say, gingerly moving her hand. I see a tiny bruise forming, along with a little cut, and cluck my tongue. "It's not bad. You can cover it with makeup. You aren't dizzy or anything right?"

"Nah," she waved me off, "I'm fine. That SOB hurt though." Jess shook her head. "After we get all these boxes in, can we walk to Starbucks?"

I nod as I walk out to get the remainder of my boxes and carry them to the room at the back of the house, upstairs. This apartment is a pretty decent size, and my room is giant compared to the one I had back at mom's. There's a window seat and the window shows a gorgeous view of the nearest beach. It's absolutely amazing.

"Hey Jess," I yell from my room, "Get a little dressy, like casual dressy. We're gonna go to the movies."

I put on my favorite jeans with rips in the legs, a Aztec cardigan over a white tank top, and my white vans. Walking into my bathroom, I brush my teeth and put on some eyeliner and mascara, leaving my hair in the messy braid down my back, I grab my wallet, keys, and phone, and out the door we went.

*Jessie's POV*

I slid on my cute mint colored shorts, my Aztec cardigan over a black camisole and my combat boots. My hair was its natural straight. Slicked on lipgloss, grabbed my keys, wallet, and phone and met Haven downstairs.

"We're gonna walk to Starbucks, get our stuff and walk back to my car." she explained.

"Oh and what after that? We have two hours until the movie." I say, a little confused.

Breathe Me (A Jc Caylen FanFiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz