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First off, thanks guys for 73 reads. :)


*Nash's POV*

It's been three days since Haven's seizure. She's ill. Very ill, from where she hadn't eaten in almost a month. Nor has she slept much. She's under anesthetic right now, and Jessie hasn't left her bedside. Luckily, Jc's room is right across the hall from hers. I'm afraid to go over there. I know Jessie will be holding her hand, crying. And frankly, I can't stand seeing Haven so skinny. She's tiny, tiny. Her ribs poke out and her hips are bone. She couldn't have gotten that skinny from not eating for only a month. She had to of started beforehand. She's now classified as anorexic. She hadn't touched the water or AriZona's that Jessie packed for her. And was very dehydrated.

"Nash.." Jc said, stirring slightly in his bed. "Can you wheel me over to her..? I.. I need to see her.." He looked at me, pain in his eyes.

"Yeah, bud. I'll get you there." I replied to him, helping him into the wheelchair. Jc had gotten skinny too. But not because he's not able to eat. He hasn't had that much of a meal since breakfast the day of the accident. He tenses and grips my arm firmly, trying to release the pain a little. "I know.. It hurts. After you see her for a while, we'll get you some pain medication." I whisper, wheeling him into Haven's room.

*Jessie's POV*

Star-crossed lovers is what I like to think of Haven and Jc. No matter how close they get, they're ripped apart again. Haven deserves Jc. And Jc deserves Haven.

"Hi Jess, how is she?" Jc asks, searching my face for lies.

"She's doing well, actually. She was speaking about you while you were sleeping." I say honestly, looking at his teary eyes. "Jc, she loves you. A lot." I search his eyes, seeing slight relief and more sadness.

"That's good to hear. I love her too.. You both know so." He says, looking at Nash and I. "If you don't mind, I wish to speak to her alone. Please." Nash and I both nod and exit the room.

*Jc's POV*

"Hi gorgeous." I whisper, running my thumb along her forehead. She wakes, searching the room and jumping a little. "Shhh, it's okay. It's just me."

She smiles sleepily at me. "Hi, Jc. You're looking better." I could tell she wasn't feeling too well. The medicine that had to be given to her through her IV was causing her to be nauseous on a sick stomach.

"I can say the same for you. I have a question.. Why did you starve yourself?" I ask carefully, watching her body language. She started to say that she didn't. But gave up. "Because I wanted to be good enough for you." She stammers, and looks away from my eyes.

I place my hand under her chin and turn her to me, kissing her gently, feeling the fire and intensity of her against my lips. "I love you, Haven. So so much."

"I love you too, Justin. Very much." She smiles, biting her lip slightly.

-- 2 months later --

*Haven's POV*

It's been two months since both incidents and I feel better. Jc looks better and is able to walk. He is okay, just some nasty scars on his legs. But other than that, he's okay. As am I. I've been eating. And Jc has been complimenting me as I eat. It's cute and awkward at the same time. Today is our three month anniversary. I know, only three. But hey, I'm happy. It feels like years, and I'm not complaining.

I woke up with a smile on my face because Jc had sent a really sweet text after I fell asleep.

"Good morning, beautiful. Know what today is? Yup. Our three month anniversary. It feels longer, I guess that's what happens with love. Haha. Anyway, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me. And I know that I've apologized for this ten majillion times already, but I'm so sorry for cheating on you. It will never happen again. You're my forever, baby. And that's how it'll be. Forever. You brighten my day with just a word to me. And you make me melt every time you kiss me. I adore it. Since it's three months, and our limit has been reached, I've been dying for this. I'm taking you out. Be ready by noon. And don't plan on coming home anytime afterward. We'll be gone for the week, so pack up. It'll be warm, so absolutely no heavy garments. I love you, beautiful. I can't wait to see my beautiful princess.



I started packing after that. I picked out what I wanted to wear, a pair of white shorts, a loose tank that says "Limited Edition" that Jc got me, and my gray vans. I packed all of my shorts, a couple pairs of jeans, some sweats, including the ones Jc gave me, some hoodies, some dressy shirts, casual shirts, and my favorite pairs of shoes. I hopped in the shower and cleaned myself. After that, I packed all my bathroom stuff and placed it in a carry-on bag. I grabbed my straightener and brush, hair ties, my tooth brush after brushing my teeth, and toothpaste. I grabbed Caylen and walked downstairs.

"Hey, Jess. Jc and I are---" I started to say then she interrupted me.

"Going somewhere for the weekend. Yeah, Nash told me. Don't sweat it, babe. Have fun and use condoms." She winked at me. I laughed and packed my AriZona's.

"Whatever. Have you been using protection?!" I point at her. She nods, "Of course! I don't want a baby yet!" She laughs.

"Okay, Jc will be here in an hour. Help me check that I have everything." I say and she runs upstairs, coming back down with another bag of clothing.

"You forgot your bathing suit AND I'm letting you borrow some lingerie." She smiled.

I blushed. "Jc isn't going to need to see me in this crap, Jess!" I laughed her off. "Oh no, he'll want to. Believe me. Have fun, okay?" She smiled and I nodded. She hugged me until Jc was knocking at the door. She handed me my keys, wallet, and charger. "Text me when you get there." I nodded.

As I walked out the door, Jc was holding my hand and taking my bags to the car. I decided to sleep until we got to where we were going. When he woke me up, it was eleven at night. And I jumped with a start. "Where are we?! It's so late!" I look around. When I look to my right, what is standing before me, amazes me. "Happy three months, my love." He kisses me and helps me out of the car, carrying me bridal style and kissing me. He carries me through the door of a huge beach house, where there are no neighbors. At all. I can tell we'll be having a lot of privacy. And a lot of fun.

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