So Unexpected

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*Haven's POV*

I was crying so hard that I decided to take a shower and get ready for bed. So sad. So hurt, I looked in my bag for my razors. I took out the sharpest one and hopped into the shower. As soon as I got in, I slid the razor across my thighs and forearms. I deserve it. I'm not good enough for Jc. I never should have bothered him. I wash my hair and body and dry myself off, patting the blood off my legs and arms with the black towel I dried off with. I am in the middle if getting dressed when I get a call from an unknown number.


"Hi, is this Haven?"

"Yes.. Who are you---"

"Oh good. This is King's Daughters Hospital. We have a guy here of the name Jc. He was in a car accident. His phone had you set as the In Case of Emergency as well as someone by the name of Nash. We wanted to inform you of his whereabouts and his condition. If you would come to the hospital with Nash, we need to speak with the both of you."

"I'm on my way."

I hung up and threw my hair up in a high ponytail, slipped on Jc's, black AriZona hoodie he lent me, which smelled like him, and a pair of white skinny jeans. I slid on my vans and called Nash as I was walking to my car, grabbing my keys and wallet before exiting the house and locking the door.

"Hey, everything okay?"

"No. Get to King's Daughters now. Jc was in an accident."

"On our way."

I drove to the hospital and met the nurse whom called me. "Hi, I'm Haven. I'm here for Jc."

"Hi, sweetheart. Are you a family member? And where is Nash?"

"No, I'm his... I'm his... Girlfriend. And Nash is on his way." I answer, starting to shake.

"I see. Well, I'm afraid you'll have to wait for Nash." She replied and instructed me to sit.

Thirty minutes later, Nash and Jessie ran through the doors. Jessie searched for me, when finding me she ran over to me and held me to her. "Have you heard anything?" She asks.

I shake my head, looking blankly at the floor. Nash walks over, "Why aren't you with Jc?"

"They wouldn't let me back there. I'm not family. I'm quite upset with everyone here. They won't tell me anything." I reply, shaking harder.

"What the serious fuck." Nash says as a nurse walks over.

She looks at me, "Is this Nash?"

He turns to her, "I am. Now, may I hear about Jc's condition?"

"Are you family? Surely one of you has to be!" She looks around at the three of us.

"I'm the closest thing he has to family. His family gave him up! He has no one but the three of us." Nash barks, extending an arm out to us.

*Nash's POV*

This nurse is pissing me off. She doesn't know anything about Jc. Nothing.

"I see." she says thoughtfully.

"So, now, tell me. This is the last time I'm nice about it." I say, eying the nurse forcefully.

"He was in a car accident. When we got there, his legs were pinned to the dash. A woman who was texting ran into him as he was progressing from a red light. She broke her neck and had to get a leg amputated." She informs us.

"I don't give a shit about the person who caused it! WHAT HAPPENED TO JC?!" Haven jumps up and yells at the idiotic woman in front of me.

"He was pinned in the car by his legs. He lost a lot of blood, but there doesn't seem to be much permanent damage in his legs. He banged up his head pretty bad, has a few broken ribs, and a broken clavicle. He's in a coma. And we aren't sure when he'll wake up." She looks at Haven spitting it out as if it were an insult.

"Take me to him, now." Haven and I say in sync.

"Follow me." She says, leading us onto an elevator to the third floor, down a series of hallways and into a room with many beeping noises.

I hear Haven gasp and I look around the fat lady in front of me, and tears spring to my eyes. Jc looks awful. His lip is split, drying blood down his mouth, his right arm in a sling, legs in heavy gauze, and a brace around his body. He is sitting up, but his body looks so vacant, like there's no soul inside.

Haven starts crying hysterically and falls to her knees, Jessie attempts to make her feel better, but the smell of anesthetic is making her ill. She stands and runs to the bathroom in Jc's hospital room. I hear her throwing up in the distance. I stand there crushed; looking at Jc's vacant body.

I walk over to Haven, putting a hand on her shoulder. "I'm gonna take Jess home. She can't take the smell, which you know. I'll have her call you later or she'll see you when you get home."

She shakes her head, "I'm staying here. Have her bring me clothes when she comes tomorrow."

I nod and let Jessie say goodbye to Jc and Haven before we leave.

Poor Haven. I don't know if she knows about Jc's past. Anything about it, but I can tell she's broken. She loves him. But does he love her? I don't know.

*Haven's POV*

I stand and drag the chair over to Jc's bed. As I sit, I grab his left hand, holding it in both of mine. His hand is so cold. He looks so gone. He isn't dead, but it feels like it.

"Jc, I don't know if you can hear me, but... You mean the world to me. I don't know why. If I did, I'd explain. Just know that I'm here until you wake up. I forgive you for what you did.. I can't stay mad at you. I love you, Justin... I love you so much." I cry and cry until I fall asleep.

Breathe Me (A Jc Caylen FanFiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora