Glorious Day

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*Jessie's POV*

I woke up and it was around noon. I smiled remembering last night, feeling Nash's arms around me as he lightly snores into the back of my head. I slide out from his arms and look down at him as he sleeps. He's adorable. I grab a clean pair of underwear and one of Nash's t-shirts. Walking down the stairs, I decide to fix Nash breakfast. I grab a Dr. Pepper out of the fridge and sip on it as I make Nash eggs, bacon, toast, and hash browns. I set them out on a plate, and carry it up the stairs. I place the plate on my dresser and jump onto the bed, startling a just awoken Nash. "Hey babe." I grin as he rubs his eyes.

"Hi, gorgeous. I see you're wearing my Püma shirt... And..." He noticed the food on the plate, "OH MY GOD BABE, YOU MADE ME FOOD. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH." He yells, hugging me to him. I smile and get the plate, bringing it to him.

"Milk, water, juice, AriZona, what?" I wiggle my eyebrows, he smiles with his mouth full. He chokes out, "Apple juice please!"

I run downstairs, grab my Dr. Pepper, grab Nash a juice and get back upstairs. When I get there, Nash has finished his food and is laying on my bed, facing me with no clothes on. My eyes go wide and he smiles, motioning me over with his finger. I sit down the drinks and smirk, crawling over my bed to him, "Yeeeeeesss?"

"I love you, Jessica Ellen. I love you entirely too much. You love me, right..?" He peered into my hazel eyes, searching them desperately. I crashed my mouth onto his hard and climbed onto him, whispering into his ear, "Of course I do, Nash."

*Jc's POV*

I woke up to Haven's back pressed against my chest, and my arm firmly around her, clutching her to me. I smiled, she's so beautiful. I slide out from her and go to the kitchen. As I reach the kitchen, I smiled at the memories that flooded my brain. He hands in my hair.. Her moans loud and clear.. Wow. She was amazing.

I grab pancake mix and start to fix the blueberry pancakes, her favorite, when two small arms wrap around me from behind, "Good morning, baby." I hear in my ear as she kisses my neck.

"Good morning, babygirl. How'd you sleep?" I smirk at her, she blushed slightly and walks to the living room.

" FAAAANNTAAAASTICCCCC." She sang and laughed as she put Finding Nemo on Netflix. I chuckled and finished up the pancakes, made bacon really quick and poured two glasses of milk. I walked into the room, looking at her, hugging her knees to her chest as the father searches for his baby boy. I set the food down and smile at her. "I love you, Haven. You're so cute." I say and kiss her cheek.

"I love you too Justin." She smiles and bites into a piece of bacon. "Let's take a selfie!" She says, smiling really big. I shrug, and grab my phone.

We pose for each picture; one, smiling big, two, our peace signs and smiles with our eyes closed, three, silly faces, four, looking at each other laughing, and five, a kissing picture. We looked at them and quickly they became profile pictures and backgrounds. We smiled at each other and watched movies all day, eating and laughing together. Today couldn't be any more perfect. :)

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