So Long..

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*Jessie's POV*

When I got home, I texted Haven. I knew she'd be crying, and I couldn't deal with her being alone and bawling her eyes out.

J: hey babe. I just wanted you to know that I'm home. And Nash is staying over to make sure that I'm okay. I think he just doesn't want to be home alone. I'll bring you clothes tomorrow. I love you. Try to at least get some sleep.

H: thanks. Sure, I'll try. I don't think he wants to see Jc's empty room. But do me a favor, get all of Jc's hoodies and sweats from his room and bring them to me. Along with his shirts. I want to wear them until he wakes up. Please bring my shampoo, conditioner, body scrub, and razor. I can't go without a shower.

J: Sure. I'll have Nash run them over tonight and I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight.

H: night. Have Nash text me when he's here.

I told Nash of what Haven wanted and he nodded, kissing me before running to his apartment and grabbing Jc's things.

I walk to Haven's bathroom and see her blood stained bathtub. I immediately start crying. She cut.. After being clean for six months, she cut herself. I can't blame her. He hurt her. But yet, she's still with him. At his bedside.

I pack mostly lounging clothes. Lots of loose t's, sweats, soffee shorts, underwear, and bras. I pack plenty of socks and her fuzzy Pokemon house shoes. I walk back into her bathroom, grab her shampoo, conditioner, hair brush, razor, her tiny bag of razors, body wash, hair ties, and her straightener. I walk into her room and grab her soft gray blanket, the stuffed giraffe Jc got her, and her charger.

Walking down the stairs into the kitchen, I grabbed her plenty of water and AriZona. As Nash walked in the door, he was carrying a duffle bag that said "Stay Cloudy" on the front. I smiled a little. Jc's saying.

"Alright, hand me the duffle bag and I'll take it to her." Nash said, extending his arm.

"No. I want to see her. I'll go with you." I say and walk out the door, putting Haven's things in the car.

*Haven's POV*

I walk down to the main entrance and wait for Nash.

"Hey, honey." Jessie says, carrying my giant duffle bag and Caylen, my giraffe.

"Hi.." I say taking the items from her. I know I look awful. My eyes puffy and red, my nose probably looks ten times my body.

"I'll help you carry them up to his room." Nash says, kissing Jessie on the head. Jessie hugs me and says her farewell.

Getting to Jc's room, Nash places the duffle bags on the floor next to my chair. He turns to me, wrapping his arms around me in a tight embrace. "I'm so sorry, Haven. I knew about Lia. He made me not say anything. I'm so so so sorry." He was shaking, and crying. I felt him. I felt my hair start sticking to my forehead.

"Nash, I don't blame you. I don't care about this anymore. I just want him okay and alive.." I choke out and he kisses my forehead.

"I'm here anytime you need me. I swear. And if he ever attempts to hurt you again.." He says, but I stop him. "No. Don't talk about it. Goodnight Nash. Watch Jess for me." I reply to him and end the hug.

He points to the red stain on my white jeans. "What is that?" He asks, looking alarmed. I curse under my breath and say, "Nothing. Jessie needs you right now. Go ahead." I hug him quickly and he nods.

"Don't look at Jc's thighs. You'll see the exact same as what you do." He looks down and walks away.

And I'm alone in Jc's hospital room, with Caylen in my arms and my worried thoughts grow distraught.

I change into Jc's blue sweats. And sit in the chair with my knees to my chest, rocking back and forth. I kept whispering to Jc that I loved him and kissed him on the cheek a few times. I propped my legs up on the table next to Jc's bed and stretched out. I was tired. Very tired. And my leg was aching. I fell asleep thinking of Jc's thighs. And why he self harms.

-- 29 days later --

It's been 29 days. Technically 30, counting the first day. I have eighty new cuts. Eighty. I haven't left this hospital room. The nurses brought a cot into the room for me to sleep on. Tomorrow, Jc will be considered brain dead and gone forever.

I'm a distraught mess. I've resulted to burning myself when "straightening my hair." I haven't eaten much. And I've barely slept any. Jessie stopped coming by a week ago. Seeing Jc in the condition he's in and then seeing me in the condition I'm in, it's too much for her.

I've been begging for Jc to wake up. But he hasn't. I refuse to lose faith in him. Not until tomorrow. I grabbed my last pair of clean underwear, one of Jc's hoodies and his black sweats. I showered quickly and bawled, cutting twenty times on each leg and patting them dry after I got out. I can't lose Jc. I can't.

I walk out of the bathroom and sit with my knees to my chest on the chair beside his bed. I continue to cry, begging him to wake up, grabbing his hand and kissing it. Kissing him desperately on the lips. "Please Justin.. Wake up.. Please." I lay my head against his arm, running my thumb along his knuckles.

"Haven..?" I hear raspy words come from somewhere. My head shoots up and Jc is looking at me, his eyes watering.

"Oh my God.. Jc..." I start crying hysterically, hugging him as lightly as I possibly could. "You've been in a coma for almost a month.. But I never have up. I haven't left this room."

He starts crying, "Look what I've done to you! You're so skinny.. And your arms.. Haven.. I'm so so sorry.. I cheated on you and I don't deserve you... You're too good.."

"Shh, no Jc. Stop.. Please stop. I'm fine. I love you. I love you so much.." I cry and kiss his forehead.

"I don't know why.." He stammers, trying hard to breathe, I could tell.

I press the emergency button on his bed and three nurses rush in and stare in amazement, two start crying.

"He's okay.." One calls with blonde hair.

"Rita, get the doctor." The one with black hair calls. And the red haired one, Rita, bolts from the room.

"I woke up because I heard crying. I had heard crying and crying and crying. I just wanted to wake up and hold the person who was crying my name. Begging me to wake up. It was Haven.. I heard her.. And I was so sad. I thought she was hurt." Jc said, looking down at our clasped hands.

"I love you, Jc." I kiss his forehead and begin feeling dizzy. I ignore it. I can't leave him now.

"I love you too... Haven!!" I hear Jc scream but I can't see him. Everything is dark and I feel myself spazzing uncontrollably. I think I'm having a seizure. It's cold. I'm so cold. And tired. Very tired. I black out.

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