Chapter 4

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Your POV

You decided to stay in Rose as of change, since you liked it there than in Maria. Honestly, because Levi was there too.

So, in order to survive you'll need money of course. You started working part time as a nursery school teacher at the same kindergarten as Armin and Mikasa.

Hange promised to help you with rent until you manage to stand on your own. Even though Erwin said that he would gladly recommend you to the hospital he is working at since he knew you were a doctor. But, you declined him politely- saying you're not ready yet to be back as a physician.

You had been working at Hogwarts Kindergarten for a week now and you gradually became attached to children. They were very cute and nice- even some of them were naughty as hell.

You looked over the children as they played at the playground happily and you noticed her. A black haired girl with a scarlet scarf around her neck, sitting alone on the sandbox. It was Mikasa, Levi's daughter.

She had stoic look on her face and didn't seem affected in the slightest that the other kids were avoiding her. So, you decided to approach her.

"Hey, Mikasa" you called. The 4 years old girl looked at you, still unfazed.

"Can i join you?" You asked politely and to your surprise, she nodded. So, you took a sit next to her in the sandbox. You saw her write something on the sand and realized it was

Mama, Papa and Me.

You bit your lip to suppress the emotions began to overpower you. You stared at the innocent toddler who was still scribbling words on the sand.

"Do you miss mommy?" You asked.

"Yes, but daddy misses her more" she answered. You were taken aback by her words and lost in thoughts. You were snapped back into reality when you felt a pair of small hands on top of yours. You looked at her and she had tears, pooling threatening to fall.

"I am sorry when daddy hurt you last time. But he was hurt. He didn't mean any harm. Daddy is a nice person..." she sobbed. You smiled sadly at her and patted her head.

"Yeah, i know that"

"But, now. Daddy changed. He did not talk to me anymore. He always come home late and avoided me. He didn't tuck me in and didn't read me story anymore." Mikasa cried.

"He didn't? Then? With who did you stay until so late at night?"

"Sometimes, it was auntie Hange and sometimes granny would come. But mostly, i am all alone". Your heart sank. The innocent 4 years old child was being punished for something she didn't do. She didn't deserve that. It was not fair at all.


So, you drive Mikasa to her home and decided to confront Levi about this. He should not do that to her. She is still a child.

You both arrived at the apartment and Mikasa opened the door with her spare key. You were surprised to see the situation inside. It was a total mess. Clothes laying all over the floor. A basket full of dirty laundry, wrapping papers, beer cans and all sorts of rubbish.

The Levi you know- who was a cleaning fairy would never let even a spect of dust be near him. He had changed. No, he was not in his right mind.

"Mikasa? Are you home?" A slurred voice came. You turned to look at the corner and saw Levi standing at the bedroom door. He was a total mess- hair ruffled, cheeks tinted with blush, half lidded eyes and stink with alcohol. He had been drinking too much.

His eyes widen when he sees you. Tears started streamed down his face as he rushed towards you. He mumbled someone's name inaudible to your ears so you assumed it was Petra's.

And your eyes widen when he hugged you tightly, sobbing into your shoulder- calling your name. Yes, your fucking own name. Not Petra's nor Mikasa's nor someone else's. BUT YOURS.

"_____" he sobbed.

Why? Why did he call you? Why wasn't it someone else?

"Why did you leave me? I was going crazy when you left... why? Do you hate me? _____?" He wailed.

You were stiff and your mind had gone blank. You can't process what was happening in front of you.

"_____" he called, again and again and again.

"I love you, ____"

When you heard that, your mind replayed what Petra told you a few years back.

"He loved you, ____. Not me, not anyone else, but you. And believe me, he would call your name. Even in his sleeps."

Your breath hitched and your head ached. Levi was still embracing you, sobbing and wailing in despair. Holding onto you like dear life.

Did i just realised i had used Petra, half of her life sacrificing for me when we both clearly in love with each other? I am too stupid. I know i loved him, and he knew too. But why? Why must we involve someone so innocent into our stupidity?

Did we just let Petra died for nothing? Did I even felt guilty for her death? No, I don't. In fact, i felt happy to know he loved me. I am too happy to feel guilty.

I should've been the one to die. But i didn't. I am sorry Petra for my selfishness. But please, let me live in this happiness. And I swear, I'll let you punish me severely for the sin i did.

Call Your Name [Levi x Petra x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now