Chapter 9

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You knocked on the door of Hange's apartment wanting to pick Mikasa up.

Yeah, Mikasa had been living with Hange for the past 3 months  since Levi's death because you were literally a moving corpse.

You waited for Hange to open the door and several minutes later, there she was with super tired looking face opening the door for you. Her eyes widen at the sight of you.

"____" she called. You flashed her a smile and greeted.

"Hi, Hange"

She pulled you into a tight hug and cried onto your shoulder.

"Are you okay? Are you fine? I am so worried about you!" She questioned. You wrapped your arms around her and clenched her shirt in your fists.

"I'm not fine. Not okay at all... not okay at all..." you replied. She pulled away to look at your glassy (e/c) eyes.

"I am so scared to see Mikasa right now..." you added.

"You know you can lean on us anytime. We'll be with you until you are able to stand on your own again. We promise..." Hange said as a small smile spread across her face.

"Mommy?" A voice called from behind Hange. You both looked back and saw Mikasa standing there. She was hugging Levi's signature cravat in her arms. Your heart sank.

"Mikasa..." you called. You tried to smile at her but it turned out pained. She ran into your arms and hugged your neck tightly.

"I miss you, mommy. I miss you so much" she sobbed. Your heart ached listening to her. You felt very guilty to have left her alone for the past few months because of your selfishness.

"I'm sorry Mikasa. Mommy is a coward... I'm so sorry..." you cried as you hugged her dearly. Hange looked at the both of you with sad eyes as you embraced each other.


"I'm taking Mikasa home with me," you said as you held Mikasa in your arms with Hange and Erwin in their living room.

"Are you sure you'll be fine? We can take care of Mikasa for you. She's not a burden to us. You too" Erwin offered.

"Thank you Erwin. But no, I've left her long enough. And i should get back on my feet now." You said flashing a small smile.

"I understand. But you know, ___. That position as my assistant doctor is still open. I need someone capable as my partner in the surgery"

"Sorry, but i wanted to spend time with Mikasa for the time being..." you declined politely.

"I guess you're right. But call me once you've decided"

You smiled and nodded. The couple walked you back to the front door and waved goodbye. You secured Mikasa in her seat and proceeded to yours. You began driving back home to the house where you used to live with Levi.

After a couple of minutes of driving, you pulled back into the driveway and got out of the car. Both of you stepped into the apartment complex and head to the elevator to the 7th floor.

You arrived at the front door with Mikasa and your hands began trembling. You haven't been there after his death. You had been staying at your old house. Noticing your fears, the little girl squeezed your hands lightly giving you strength.

"Thank you, honey" you said and opened the door.

There it was. The apartment Levi left 3 months ago. It was still the same but a bit dusty. And there's Levi's scent clinging in the air, shaking your soul. The smell you missed the most.

Wanting to be brave for your daughter, you put up a fake smile and looked at her.

"It's a bit messy. Let's begin cleaning shall we?" You asked.

"You don't have to be strong for me, mommy. We are here for each other. It doesn't matter if we're not strong , as long as we have each other we will survive" Mikasa said.

Her words made you stunned. You were ashamed of yourself for receiving an advice from a 5 years old kid. She cupped your cheek with her small hands and kissed your forehead.

"I love you, mommy"

Call Your Name [Levi x Petra x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now