Chapter 6

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"No. Leave me alone."

You were stunned.


"Don't you hear me? I said leave me fucking alone. I don't want to see you here!" Levi snapped.

He noticed your shocked face but he decided to ignore it. He turned away from you and pulled the covers up his face.

"I'll come by again. See you later" you said as you left the room.

You were shocked. You walked down the hallway to the car park and to your car. You unlock the black Ford Focus and get inside.

It was then you realised you were crying the whole time. What could you do?

Levi had given up on his life and you can't even do anything about that. He refused to see you too.

Levi's POV

I heard ___ left the room. I got up again and looked around the room. It was empty.

I have known about this a while ago. I know my kidneys were almost damaged but I refused to do anything about it.

What's the point in doing it? Taking someone else's kidney and let them suffer with just one kidney while you on the other hand try to live  your own, yourself.

I have lost Petra. And do i intend to lose ____ too?

No. She can't see me like this. I don't want to see those beautiful (e/c) clouded with tears.

But, do i want her to see me die?

Yeah, i should do that. She deserves to live happily. She deserves to be with someone better than me. I don't want to imprison her with me.

She deserves to live freely. Like a free bird.

-Time skip-

It had been 3 weeks since Levi was admitted to the hospital. He had been distant to you since then.

You brought Mikasa to see him today because she said she misses her father. So, you picked her up after school and drove to the hospital with her.

"Daddy!" Mikasa chimed as she opened the ward room door. You came in right after her.

"I brought your favorite sandwich!" She cheered. Levi's face lit up a bit at the sight of his daughter. He misses her too.

"Come, give me a hug" Levi cooed to the little girl. She put the sandwich down on the table and hopped into his arms.

They hugged each other for a while before Mikasa's stomach growled. She laughed nervously making her father chuckled.

"You should've told me you were hungry before"

"But i missed daddy more"

Levi smiled softly and ruffled her raven hair. You unwrapped the sandwich for Mikasa in silence and let her eat.

Your relationship had become cold and gloomy. Everyone noticed that but no one said a thing.

After eating and doing her homework with Levi, you brought her home. It was because it's getting late and she has school tomorrow.

The cycle repeated for about a month before Levi finally opened up to you again.

Mikasa was napping beside her father and you were packing her stuffs-- getting ready to go home.

"___" Levi called. You turned to him.

"I want to live." He said. His voiced cracked a bit. You look into his eyes and saw hope in the gray orbs.

"I want to live. With Mikasa... and you. I don't want to die yet. I'm scared..." he cried. You rushed to him and pulled him into a hug.

"I'm sorry because I treated you coldly. I was scared. I'm so scared to lose you again. I'm so sorry..." he sobbed.

"It's okay. You can have one of my kidneys. And we can start anew again. If that failed too, we can start anew again. Doesn't matter how many times we failed, we will restart again..."

You assured. He sobbed into your shoulder and hugging you tightly.

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