Chapter 7

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You were getting ready for the surgery and you were nervous as hell.

Levi grabbed your hands lovingly and brought it to his mouth to kiss it.

"Relax. Whatever happens after this, I want you to know that I love you. I love you so much. Please remember that,"

"I love you too"

You were both pushed to the operation theater and there was Erwin and his team waiting for you. He looked at Levi and you with a smile. A smile that hid a certain meaning in it. The one you can't solve.

He began the anesthesia process with you first. After the doctor injected you with the fluid, you began drifting away and soon pass out after you inhaled the gas.

Levi was looking at you the whole time. He had tears rolling down his face.

"I'm sorry, ____" he said as he too, blacked out.


You were standing alone in the sunflower field. The sun was shining brightly that it hurt your eyes.

You looked around and saw a figure from afar. You squinted your eyes to see it clearly. And you saw it.

It was Petra.

She was wearing a white sun dress with a hat and a basket of sunflowers in her hand.

"Petra?" You called.

She turned to you and smiled sweetly.

"Hello, ____"

"Where is this? Why are we here?"

"This is the passageway. You cannot be here, ___. Not yet."

"What do you mean? What passageway?"

"Anyway, ____. I wanted to thank you for everything you did for Levi. And thank you, for returning him back to me..." she said with a smile.

You were confused. What does she mean?

Suddenly, you saw Levi. He came to you in hurry with tears in his face.

"Levi? Why are you crying?"

"___, i love you. But you can't be here. Your time hasn't come yet. You should live your live happily now. I let you go.

This is my sin. And i will face Petra on my own. You don't have to be here. I'll apologize to her. Please, live your life happily. I am sure Petra will forgive you.

And, if in the future you still love me, I'll wait for you here. I love you. So please,

Wake up"

(End of dreamland)

You opened your eyes to an unfamiliar room. There was the sound of the heart machine and wires attached to you. You were breathing with the help of oxygen tank and you were alone in the room.

You looked around for a trace of human being but there is no one. Then, you saw someone through the glass door. It was Hange. When she saw you have woken up, she quickly called Erwin.

"___, you have woken up. You are in the intensive care unit" Erwin said calmly.

"ICU? Why the hell am i in the ICU? What happened to the surgery? Where's Levi?" You asked weakly. You don't know why but your throat felt dry and you have no energy.

"The operation failed,___. I'm sorry." Erwin said, sadness lacing in his voice.

"Failed? What happened to Levi?" You asked. You can already guess his answer but you were hoping in the least that it will differ from what you thought.

"He's dead, ___. It was table death. I am very sorry for your lost"

Your breath hitched. Tears were threatening to fall down from your glassy (e/c). Your heart rate dropped and you cant breathe.

Erwin saw your panicked state and put on the mask on you again. He laid you down on the pillow and grabbed your hands tightly but reassuringly.

"I know it's hard. But we're here for you. We'll always be here for you. I'm sorry, ____. I am so sorry..." he said as he let his tears fall.

You let your tears rolling and you began sobbing uncontrollably. For a while there, Erwin never let go of your hand until you calmed down.

You fell asleep again and he left you to rest. Hange was waiting for him outside the room.

"Is she okay? Will she be fine?" She asked frantically.

"She's broken. But she's our friend. We'll stay by her side whatever happens" Erwin said. His eyes were red and puffy, showing evidence that he was crying.

Levi was their best friend. He wouldn't cry when their best friend died?

"Did you know that ___ was allergic to that medicine?" Hange asked.

"I didn't. But Levi knew. He told me that, whatever happens, save her first."

"He was willing to die from the very first time. But he did that to make ___ believe that he wanted to start over. When this happen, he told you to save her and leave him. He's crazy..." Hange concluded.

Call Your Name [Levi x Petra x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now