Chapter 5

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"Come live with me, ____"

That's all it need to get you move in with Levi and his daughter, Mikasa. Your life was about to change to the better. And you were very sure about it.

Or so you thought.

But, Petra's family despise you. They hated you for taking Levi and Mikasa away from them. They resent you for making the two of them forget about their poor lost daughter.

They thought of you as a poison in the family.

"Say, ____. Are you sure you want to stay with him? You know, it hasn't been 6 months since Petra left but you already moved in with him. Don't you think people will think badly of you guys?" Christina asked when she came to visit Rose.

"Yeah, i know that. But Levi said he needs me. And, you know I also loved him... so, I want to be with him"

"____, have you thought about this carefully? I'm just worried you know...?"

"I know you're worried. But, please trust me on this. I don't know if it will work out, but i want to try."

"If you said so, then I'll support you"

"Thank you, Christina. I really appreciate that"

"Did you get all your stuff? Should we go now?" Levi asked as you put your luggage by the door.

"Yeah, this is all..."

"Then, let's get going" Levi said as he helped you carry your stuffs to his car. You held Mikasa's hands and walked down the stairs. She was happy and he was happy too.

Levi had started skating again. He said he will participate in the next competition. He wanted to skate, for you.

"What event are you joining? Pair or single?" You asked as he drove.

"Singles. I didn't have any partners..." he muttered.

"Why not? There should be a replacement after i left,right?"

"I can't skate with just anyone. I can only skate with you"

Your eyes widen. You looked at him.

"Look, i know its stupid. But, i just realised it. I can't do anything without you. I can't live without you."

You remained silent. So, he go on,

"Hearing you left really broke me apart. I can't even think straight. I kept on crying like some idiot day and night. I would wait by your doorstep every single day hoping you would show up. But you didn't."

"I'm sorry Levi. I'm sorry. I was just too scared to see you propose to Petra. I don't want to have any bad thoughts in my head. I was just selfish"

He grabbed your hand and squeezed it slightly.

"It's okay. We're together now"

"Yeah. We are."

He continued to drive to his home in silence while you looked out of the window, staring at the starry sky. It looked so calm and peaceful.

-time skip-

You followed Levi to his practice today. You both left Mikasa at Hange's place since she said she wanted to play with the kids.

He was skating for his program like he normally did when he suddenly crash on the ice. He laid there unconscious and you on the other side was panicking.

"Levi?! You okay?" You called. There was no response so you rushed towards him.

His face was pale as dead with his lips swollen and blue. His breathing ragged and his hearts was beating very slowly.

They called 911 while you try to wake him up.

"Levi, wake up. Hey. Don't joke with me. Open your eyes. Levi Ackerman, this is not funny at all" you warned.

"His kidneys are malfunctioning. I told him to do surgery 2 years ago but he refused. I'm sorry, ____. There's nothing we can do. Its either he undergoes dialysis twice a day or kidney transplant." Erwin explained.

"It's already 2 damn years?! Why didn't anybody tell him to fucking do the transplant?!" You spat.

"We tried. But he refused."

"Is he dying?"

"____, you're a doctor. You know that yourself what will happen if we don't hurry up."

You gulped. Yeah, you know it damn well.

He's going to die.

You opened the door to his ward room to see him sitting on the bed with a pissed off expression. You tried to smile but you can't anymore.

"It's about kidneys again, right?"

"Again? What the hell is wrong with you? Just go on with the transplant already!"

"No. Just leave me alone."

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