Chapter 6: Facing Fear: Sindria and Past Friends

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The male rukh outline watched as Kimi stood in front of the door to the dungeon. The dungeon....

Glasya-Labolas: Spirit of Veracity and Humility

Glasya was a very difficult djiin even back in Alma-Torran. She was cold towards everyone and even Solomon had a extremely difficult time trying to get along with her. The only ones that she actually opened up to were Sheba and her husband, Valefor. She is the opposite of Valefor. He sighs and thinks it be better to lead her directly to the treasure room. Because knowing Glasya, she will show absolutely no mercy at all. Not to mention.....her former master....was The one responsible for the destruction of the first kingdom of Sindria....


He floats down to Kimi and goes back into the crown.

Kimi touches the door but was surprised she was directly was directly taken to the treasure room. She was completely confused but stopped when she was suddenly frozen and everything went black.

A blue fox with piercing cold eyes glared down at the girl.

"How the hell was she brought here with out going through my trials?!" Glasya growled as she slowly walked around Kimi

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"How the hell was she brought here with out going through my trials?!" Glasya growled as she slowly walked around Kimi.
She sensed three rukhs. Two very familiar ones and one unknown one.
"Show yourselves Solomon and Sheba! And Ren Kougyoku!" Glasya bellowed.
Three Rukh outlines appeared and turn to transparent people. Spirits.

"It's been quite some time hasn't it, Glasya-Labolas." Solomon said as he looked up to the snow fox.
"Don't be so cold, Glasya! Aren't you happy to see me?" Sheba smiles as she floated up and sat on her shoulder.
"Whatever Sheba, now tell me.....Who the hell is the one in the girls body? Ren Kougyoku, explain to this?" Glasya spoke as she glared down at Kougyoku.
Kougyoku gulped.
"Kimi was there for me when I needed someone the most. She became my first friend. She taught me so much. But then.....the day of the great fire came..." Kougyoku said as she clench her fist.
Glasya stayed silent.
"The girl chose to give her body to Kimi so she may live on. And to keep Arba from making her to a puppet." Solomon said as he looked over at Kougyoku.

"Keheheh.....Heheh......AHAHAHAHAH!!!" Glasya burst out laughing all of a sudden.
"What's so funny?!" Kougyoku yells.
"Girl...You have no idea how much the woman will affect fate." Glasya said as she wiped a tear.
"She was brought here to change fate. She knows what is to happen in the future. And because of that, Kimi is able to do what she can to help save. Originally.....Kougyoku was going to be used against her own brothers by King Sinbad. " Sheba frowns.
"What?!" Kougyoku screeched.
"That may be correct. But your friend will not let that happen. She'll protect your family like she promised. We'll be next to her and help her. I won't let Kimi go down the wrong path. That I promise." Solomon said as he shattered the ice Kimi was frozen in.
He quickly caught her and layed her down gently on the floor. Kougyoku walked over to her and bent down.
"I'm sorry to put such a burden to you......" Kougyoku looked down at the floor, guilty.
"Kougyoku, For now, you and my husband return back to flow. I'll stay with Kimi for now. Especially since a certain someone will try to give her a difficult time." Sheba said as she looked over at her friend.
Glasya pouts.
"How rude! But let me see through the girls memories. From there, I will truly tell if she is worthy of my queen. Hmph!" Glasya said as touched Kimi's forehead.

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