Unidentified Chapter 1: Sliver and History of The Spirits and the Past

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"Three, two, one! Ready or not here I come!"

Sliver watched from the bench. He watched Alibaba play with Crow and Kanna hide and seek. It's been three days since he's been saved. Kimi had to go to a diplomatic meeting and asked Alibaba of he could take care of the kids for her. He was happy to and decided to take them to the park. Sliver sighs....he wants to join but is scared. He's still getting used to this sudden change in his life. He remembers his home.

A island between the Kou Empire, Reim, and Sindria. The island was peaceful and people from all three kingdoms lived there. They believed in peace between the three kingdoms, and thus, the Island of Tri was born. Unfortunately, his family and him were on their way to visit Reim, where they were attacked by pirates. His mother and father were killed protecting him to get away. He was 6 years old. He soon was capture by slave traders, and sold the noble that was his previous master.

He was badly treated and hurt. Beaten and treated worse than a fly. He grew rage towards the world and his rukh on the verge of turning black. He walked between the light and dark. But, he chose to not kill or take anyone's life. He continued to follow his parents teachings, despite the hell he went through everyday. He remembers the times he laughed and smiled with his family. His older sister who passed away of a sickness. If she lived, she would be about 20.

Then the day he was saved. A girl with blue hair, pink eyes, gold jeweled crown, with a eye patch. She stopped his former master from hurting him, and almost killed the man. She healed him, and even fed him.

He remembers when she opened a strange whole in the air, and him Kanna and Crow go in. Of course he was afraid but, went in. There, he saw strange people. All of them had blue skin, minus the one in a orange dress, and had strange auras.
"Who is this precious little boy?! He's the same age as Prince Aladdin!" Eligos cheers as she fly's up to him.
He stepped back. Eligos was the splitting image of his deceased older sister.Vinea and Shido silently observed the new boy. For he had both black and white rukh.

The three children sat on the table and began introductions.
"Nice to meet you! I'm Crow! What's your name?!" Crow said enthusiastic and grins.
"Crow, don't be so direct. You're scaring the poor boy." Beleth said as he shook his head.
Glasya smiles and lightly nudges at Kanna.
"Nice to meet you Sliver. I'm Kanna, and this my aunty Glasya." Kanna smiled making Sliver blush.
"Ooooohhhhh, What's this? Pink rukh?" Kurumi said as she floated down near them.
Shido sighs.

Sliver didn't like the feeling Kurumi was giving off. It was something sinister. She looked down at him and sees black and white rukh. Her nose scrunches to that of disgust. But she likes the little kid. She cups his cheeks and looks into his eyes. The boy began to have tears welling up in his eyes, cause she was beginning to scare him. A small pink dust came on her cheeks and she did the unexpected.

She smiled kindly down at him like a mother.
"You remind me of my Tet. Falan's son. He was the only person I truly did care about. I've decided. I'll make you my household member." Kurumi declared boldly which sent, Eligos and Sitri into a fit.
Kurumi, Beleth, and Glasya, immediately covered the kids ears because the amount of cussing that came out was enough to send them to a hospital.
"Oh hell no! That little boy is not going to be a part of a sly, cunning bitch like you!" Sitri yells.
"I rather not him be with you two at all. Sitri is just as a womanizer as his brother and you Kurumi are a sadist! You will not taint the innocent one!" Eligos yells as her wings turn to black lighting.
"Hmp! What about you?! You and the men you like, you all them sugar daddies and your eye candy?! Who were they again, oh that's right! Spartos, Muu, Masrur, Sharrkan, Ja'far and Mistoras! I will absolutely not have you talking about them in front of Sliver!" Kurumi yells.

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