🌐Blessing & Cleansing 🌐

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Three Elements Home Blessing and Protection Ritual

Incense, or Sage Bundle - for smoke cleansing, to cleanse and protect with the "Sky"
Purified Water in a small bowl (optional ingredients include salt or herbs) - for saining, to cleanse and protect with the "Sea"
Protection Salt and Herbs (I'll be adding lavender for peace and purification, and rosemary for protection and remembrance) - for protection of doorways, windows, and portals - to protect with the "Land"
Chant, Spell or Prayer of Intention - This step is best if you make it yourself, with your magical paradigms. Here is mine - "By the power of elements three, by the power of land, sky, and sea, I cleanse and protect this home to keep us safe from all harm." I also have one for each element e.i. "By the power of the sea, keep harm away from me".

In an empty house, or apartment, open all doors and windows, including closets, bathrooms, etc. Start at what is to be the heart or center of the home, (the hearth, the bedroom, the living area, kitchen, etc) walk walk the perimeter of the home clockwise. If you wish to banish all spirits, spirits that mean you harm, all entities, whatever it is- do so at this time. Once you set your protections, you may accidentally banish or piss off 'people' you want to be friendly with. Walk the perimeter and focus on all the good memories you want to make here, the creating that will be done here, the hospitality you will offer guests, etc.

Sky - Come back to start and light your "Sky" representation. Walk clockwise, chanting your spell. Aim the smoke at the ceiling, walking the perimeter of every wall and every room, including in closets, and around the shower, following the line of the ceiling. (not cupboards in the kitchen, because you might not be able to get the smell out later). Think of the smoke as banishing any previous tenants memories, bad emotions, spirits or energies you don't want in your new home. End at your predesignated heart of the home.
Sea - Take your bowl of water, your "Sea", and start again. this time dip your fingers into the bowl and flick water all around, aiming at the floorboard. Chant while you walk clockwise, focusing on the protection of the salt and water, creating a white light around your home as you sprinkle the water. Alternatively you can add to a spray bottle and spray the water. If you wish, sprinkle or 'paint' the water around any openings - mirrors, drains, windows - to protect from unwanted entrances for spirits or energies. End at the heart of the home.
Land - Now take your "Land" representation of salt and herbs, and walk counter clockwise. Chant your house blessing or the chant for salt if you wish (if you chant the salt blessing, do one more pass clockwise saying you final home blessing). Sprinkle salt in a line across any doorway or window to outside the home. The salt should stay on the window sills if possible. The salt can be swept up from the front door if you wish, just 'paint' some salt water instead, after it is swept up. Sprinkle some around drains as well, and across wall mirrors. This closes up any magical or physical doorways of outside influence. End back at the heart of the home.
If you have a backyard or patio, you may want to extend the protections out there as well. Use cascarilla powder (powdered eggshells) around any dirt or lawn you have, use pure water with no salt, and maybe use wind chimes or a bell to represent the sky instead of the smoke, if you wish to not arouse suspicion. Please don't use salt on the land. Its bad for plants and snails.

Home Protection Cont. :

I will be setting up my home altar at this "heart of the home" and from there it will be an easy place to renew the protections. I would recommend renewing the protections once a year, or whenever you feel you need a little extra boost of protection or cleansing. Since you originally did this when no furniture was in place, renewing the protections may seem hard. I prefer to smoke cleanse so that is a little easier for me, just say a protection or cleansing spell at our home altar and walk clockwise around the house with your smoke. Its gets into all the tight spots, now that there is furniture in the way, easier. The spray bottle works well for this as well. I would recommend renewing one element at a time, in place of all three.

Don't forget that other protections are still great to uses as well. I will also be hanging my witches' ladder made of hag stones by the door for protection, having potted plants for cleansing and protection like lavender, and hanging some wind chimes to know when the Good Folk are near.

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