◀7 Reasons Why You Should Love Each Sign▶

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7 good reasons to love ...

They are warriors at heart
They know what innovation means
They are frank
They are fulfilled by the action
They are spontaneous and enthusiastic
They have leadership qualities
They are inflamed lovers

They are sturdy
They have the builders instinct
They are the kings of perseverance
They are concrete and realistic
They go slowly but surely
They are sensual and gourmand
They are charming lovers

They are extremely mobile
They are the 'intellos' of the zodiac
They are really good company
They have extraordinary flexibility in life
They are the kings of good tips
They are never boring
They love without taking the lead

They have inexhaustible emotional resources
They are very persistent
They take good care of others (NOT)
They are hyper-resilient
They are full of delicacy
They don't discriminate
In love, they carry you in their 'bubble'

They are stable people (NOT)
They are faithful
They are proud of their partner
They are frank
Giving up is not part of their habits
They are independent
They are extremely kind and attentive

They are intelligent and relevant
They have the practical sense
They like to be useful
They combine simplicity and distinction
They are precise and punctual
They are independent
They don't take the big head

They always find the right word for everyone
They are honest
They have the artistic fiber
They possess grace
They make excellent lawyers
They sublime the duos
They are balanced

They have a crazy magnetism
They possess a sharp intelligence
They are deep and intense
They have the power to 'reborn from their ashes'
They show a phenomenal determination
They love like no one else
They are rare

They are optimistic and enthusiastic
They are tolerant and broad-minded
They are generous and warm
They are born adventurers
They are good-living
They are excellent pedagogues
They are dynamic and enterprising

They are of unfailing loyalty
They are authentic and honest
They are the 'masters of time'
They are wise and reasonable
They are ultra lucid
They are very resistant
They are sentimental

They are incorruptible
They are open and broad-minded
They are idealists & Visionaries
They are independent
They are bold and blunt.
They are funny and surprising
They make amazing friends & lovers

They are born artists
They are connected to the collective psyche
They are amazing 'chameleons'
They are hyper-empathic
They are excellent at communication
They know what love means
They always get away

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