🌊🌊🌊Water Witches🌊🌊🌊

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Items for sea/river witches ❤️🐠🦀🐢🐍

aquamarine - courage, divination, focus, healing, peace, and purification.
ashes - healing, prosperity, and protection.
black salt - banishment and protection.
citrine - happiness, healing, and purification.
coconut - chastity, protection, and purification.
coral - banishment, divination, lust, prosperity, protection, and wisdom.
cotton - fortune, healing, and protection.
cypress - healing, peace, and protection.
sea fern - exorcism, fortune, healing, protection, and wealth.
harbor water - banishment and prosperity.
heather - beauty, fortune, protection, and spirituality.
hemp - healing and love.
pink salt - friendship, healing, love, and purification.
honeysuckle - protection, psychic abilities, and wealth.
iron pyrite - courage, healing, peace, and truth.
kelp - protection, psychic abilities, and wealth.
lichen - new beginnings, protection, healing.
lavender - chastity, happiness, love, peace, protection, and purification.
lime - healing, love, and protection.
moonstone - divination, focus, healing, love, and peace.
moss - fortune and wealth.
moss agate - truth.
ocean water - focus and power.
onyx - banishment, focus, fortune, and protection.
orange - beauty, divination, fortune, love, purification, and wealth.
pearl - divination, healing, and psychic abilities.

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