🌙 Moon Grounding 🌙

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🌙  it may seem a bit contradictory to ground with something in the sky rather than the earth. the focus is to ground as if you were an object in space, and to find the stability in yourself. if this strange to conceptualize, astral travel to the moon and use its surface to ground.

🌙  (to the best of your ability) find a view of the moon in the sky, and rest somewhere its glow can reach you

🌙  do this during a moon phase that represents the energies you want to draw into yourself.

🌙  visualize:every flicker of light over your skin fills you and becomes tangible within you. it solidifies in your spirit and makes you feel whole. You are becoming your own moon. you feel the earth’s gravity pulling your negative energy away from you. push your old energies out.The light that washes over you brings new, fresh energy. it illuminates you from the inside out

🌙  when you are ready, let the moonlight fade its hold on you. you are not severing the ties harshly, only letting them fall away, the way the phases turn over and release the earth, it releases you

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