100 Random Things About Magick/Occult

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Since I just got a hundred followers, here is a list of 100 random things about magick, and the occult. I started this originally thinking this would be easy, but making this was actually one of the hardest things I’ve ever done here. Thank you for following my blog my friends.

Chicory root is known to magically unlock all boxes, and doors.
You can evil eye yourself by staring in a mirror.
Your spirit guides can actually leave you, if you are mistreating them.
Jediism is an actual religion in which, a good amount of its members choose to practice psychokinesis, and telekinesis.
Sweeping with a broom to the east is a banishing ritual against evil spirits, and negative energies.
There is a technique called Spirit burrowing which is the more positive version of spiritual  possession.
Crystals, gemstones, or even sigils can replace candles in mostly every type of ritual, and spell.
Some people are naturally immune to cursing.
The most spirit guides I have ever experienced one person having at one time is 18, even though most people usually have about 5-10 spirit guides.
In Roman culture penises with wings were worm around the neck to protect you against evil spirits, and the evil eye.
You need no tools to do magick, all you need is energy, and intent.
Religious people praying for you to stop your magickal practice can hinder your magickal practice, because they’re sending out their intent to stop you.
Archangel Michael is known to be the angel of death.
The Armanen Runes are the runes that appear in nazi ideology, and germanic mysticism.
Astral temples are primarily used by practitioners who are unable to practice magick in the physical world, because of persecution.
Most harmful entities feed on fear energy, and if they don’t think they can get your fear energy, they will leave you alone.
Selenite is a high energy crystal that never needs to be charged, and can be used to charge sigils, and other magickal items.
Looking through a hag stone is said to allow you to see into the world of the fae, and other spiritual realms.
Burning a magickal item will purify it, but at the same time will release all its energy all at once.
The difference between the pentagram, and a pentacle is the circle.
Rubbing a quartz crystal against your head will relieve headaches
Putting lapis lazuli under your pillow will induce dreaming, and allow all your dreams to be more vivid.
The base energy of a person corresponds to there zodiac sun signs element. The base energy amount in corresponding elements in order from greatest to least is fire, air, water, earth.
Through a technique called the chi ghost one can better themselves in different areas through a full body energy clone.
Putting sigils on your router will permeate your Wi-Fi zone with that energy, and that intent.
Magick is deeply connected to your emotions, and your mental state
Writing magickal glyphs next to each other will combine, and mix their energies.
There may be seven main chakras, but there are several lesser chakras that are almost as important as those. These chakras are your palm chakras, your feet chakras, your soul star chakra, and your earth star chakra.
In energy manipulation putting energy into a physical representation of a line, or trail, will guide that energy to the end of the line.
Christians actually have their own forms of mysticism that uses the power of the Holy Spirit, and the Abrahamic God. Those they won’t be likely to admit this as mysticism.
Swear words are actually the lowest form of magickal cursing.
Wearing opal if it’s not your birthstone is considered bad luck.
If your indoor plant dies unexpectedly that may be the first sign of a spiritual attack.
Rumpology is a form of divination surrounded completely around the butt.
Most of the energy in the human body is stored in your solar plexus.
Meditation is one of the most important skills to learn when practicing magick.
Using magick too much in a consistent amount of time, while not being properly grounded can give you a spiritual burnout, or a magickal hangover.
Servitors can be used, and stolen by other magickal practitioners.
You can transfer servitors between two different servitor houses by simply commanding your servitor to take up residence in the new servitor house.
It takes very little blood to charge things with blood.
Holy water is usually just made of prayed over salt water.
Every culture has some sort of understanding of chi energy.
Flipping any sigil, or symbol upside down will also reverse its meanings, and energies. Unless the symbol is the same inverted.
In meditation the back should be straight to allow cosmic energy to flow down your spine, and flow to the rest your body.
The black aura is usually seen as negative, and represents death, abuse, and depression in the auric field, but in some occasions it can represent, and be used as more of a Shield for the person, or thing.
Energy does not flow well through iron, steel, salt, or the color black.
Invisible spells do not turn you invisible, but much rather make it harder for people to notice you, or sense you.
Baphomet has both male, and female traits.
It is easier to scry, see spiritual energy, see auras, and see spirits in dim lights.
Thor is also the god of oak trees, and acorns are said to protect you from lightning.
Everything dynamically tries to remain in balance.
A way to train psychic ability is a technique called cloud bursting. It’s a technique where you stare at a cloud, and make it dissipate.
The United States government try to make psychic agents back in the Cold War in an operation known as project Stargate.
If you exhaust a high number of your spiritual energy you can actually die.
Every action uses spiritual energy regardless of it being magical, or mundane.
At the point of sexual orgasm a very high amount of spiritual energy is released.
When meditating, or dreaming you become tuned into the etheric plane.
Energy is projected the easiest through your hands, feet, eyes, and mouth.
The Violet Flame is a technique of self transformation, transmutation, energy healing, and purification. The Violet flame can be invoked through visualizing violet flames, and chanting “I am a being of violet fire, I am the Purity God desires.”
The cthulhu mythos is used, and thrives in some occult practices.
Cats protect against harmful spirits.
It is said that everyone has a spirit guide, a power animal, a dragon guardian, and a guardian angel to help them along their path.
Certain gemstones can be used to make gem elixirs.
Dragon runes were envisioned by Isedon Goldwing in April of 2001, and used for rituals, draconic magick, divination, and runic magick.
The Druatch Language is the language that is said to be spoken by dragons.
When you breathe, spiritual energy is pulled in to you through your lungs.
You can open up chakras by wearing certain colored clothing that have to do with that chakra.
Most magick chants to not have to be said correctly word for word, because they are just a way to declare your intention.
Ganzfeld Experiment can put people into a state in which they can experience higher extrasensory perception.
Sigils can be turned into sounds, tones, music and words.
You can assign entities names to gain power over them.
You can build a telepathic link with someone just by looking into their eyes.
Cartomancy is divination using playing cards.
Clapping, and ringing bells can be used to cleanse areas of negative energy.
Gently lift your head off of your neck, and supporting it with your hands will quickly put you in a trance state.
Having any piece of a person, anything that may have come in contact with them, or anything they have put their energy into can be used as a target.
Angels have a sophisticated hierarchy of 9 different choirs the Angels belong to.
Most animal spirit guides, totems, and power animals are the wolf, followed by close second the big cat.
Everyone can perform magick.
Practitioners can accidentally create a poltergeist by feeling too many complicated emotions and thoughts.
Spirits can only sign their own name.
All energy is unique, but can be quite similar.
Sigils can only be used to their full power by whoever created the sigil.
Apples have natural pentagrams on the inside of them.
Fluorite is a good stones for students, learning, and other mental endeavors.
The Sign of the horns is a hand sign to ward the evil eye.
Most things can be invoked by calling out to them.
Everything is connected on a energetic level.
No entity can see everything.
Writing sigils on your body is a good way to keep the energy of that sigil with you.
Drawing seal of mars below the name of a person, or below the picture of a person will curse them.
Drawing an “X” on the bottom of a table will give you good luck in any card games, or board games you play on the table.
Some people sign the pentagram like the Christians do the sign of the cross.
Using magick squares, or the kamea can bring planetary energies into your sigils.
You must go through reiki attunement in order to use reiki energy to its maximum potential.
War water is make by putting iron nails in salt water, and letting the iron nails rust.
Passing things through smoke will Infuse it with the energies of whatever is burning.
Ouija boards are not inherently evil. They just don’t provide any shielding, and you don’t know who you’re talking to.
You can trace symbols and sigils into the air, and then push through them in order to activate them.
Most things have a magical property of protection.

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